OSHA Announces Hazard Alert for Heat

On July 27, 2023, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration issued a heat hazard alert to remind employers of their obligation to protect workers against heat illness or injury in outdoor and indoor workplaces. OSHA uses hazard alerts to provide specific information on safety and health hazards to employers, workers and other stakeholders. An alert describes the hazard and offers recommendations on how hazardous exposures can be eliminated or reduced and what actions employers should take to protect employees.

To read the hazard alert, click here.

Input Needed from Small Entities on a Potential Standard on Heat Injury & Illness Prevention

OSHA is looking for representatives from small businesses, small local government entities, and non-profit entities to meet with a Small Business Advocacy Review panel and provide input on the potential impacts of a heat injury and illness prevention standard on small entities. As a small entity representative (SER), you will provide input during small-group video conferences with other participants. We anticipate the time commitment for these video conferences for each SER to be approximately three hours, in addition to devoting a few hours to reviewing informational materials in advance of the session. This is a very valuable step in the regulatory process where SERs can discuss concerns and current practices for protecting workers from heat-related injuries and illnesses.

For more information on the video conferences and how to participate, visit the OSHA Heat SBREFA webpage.

New Resources for Heat Illness Prevention

OSHA has two new resources available for download.

The first is a “Don’t Wait… HYDRATE” Sticker available in English and Spanish. These stickers can be given to workers, placed around the workplace, including on hard hats, and in break areas to encourage drinking cool water. To download, click here.

The second is a “Heat Illness Illustrated Fact Sheet” This fact sheet shows how heat illness can be prevented and actions to take when workers experience symptoms. To download, click here.