A Letter From Departing VTCA President Ed Stelter

Well... that was fast!

First and foremost, my sincerest appreciation to the members of VTCA and the board for trusting in me to represent the Alliance over the past year. Secondly, Gordon and the rest of the VTCA staff, this is one of the greatest trade associations in Virginia, if not the nation, because of you. We are profoundly grateful for your commitment and dedication to promoting, advancing, and advocating for our members and our industry. We are lucky to have you.

As I reflect over the past 12 months, there have been a few things that have stood out to me.

Looking ahead, I am buoyed by the direction of where the Alliance is going, the financial health of the Alliance, the leadership in place, and the emerging leaders within our membership. VTCA, with help from the Innerwill Leadership Institute, is wrapping up a three-year strategic plan initiative that will give the board and staff clear direction on where to focus. The strategic initiatives include, specifically targeting and engaging with localities, championing support for sustainable investment in transportation infrastructure, supporting members to build market capacity, enhancing advocacy on labor and environmental regulatory issues, better and more intentional membership engagement, and staff and board development. These initiatives, along with the momentum that was started long ago by those that came before us, will continue to propel VTCA and this industry for generations to come.

Lastly, a shout out to my wife, Catherine. Her unwavering support, encouragement, and motivation have allowed me to commit and focus, as she understands the bigger picture. She recognizes the importance of the Alliance and what it means to our family, our friends, and our fellow Virginians.

Let’s keep Virginia moving!


Ed Stelter
Faulconer Construction Co., Inc.