Wnet PayTech News
June 22, 2021

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June 23: WNET CAREER MONTH: Ask a Recruiter Panel
Roundtable: Get straight answers from active recruiters in the payments and fintech industries.

June 24: WNET CAREER MONTH: PayTechWomenLead #1
NEW Virtual Leadership Education Event: 
Your Personal Brand – Building on Your Strengths and Overcoming Perceptions

June 25: Business Jive After Five – Speed Networking
SoCal and Bay Area Chapter LinkUp – All welcome

July 13: PayTechWomenLead #2
NEW Virtual Leadership Education Event: Sponsorship: The Secret to Accelerating Your Career

July 14: Become a Person of Influence with Social Media Webinar: Hear the panel discuss how to create engaging content and build long-lasting connections on social media.

July 25-27: RetailNOW 2021, Presented by RSPA, Sponsored by Wnet
Partner Event in Nashville, TN: 
Join us Monday evening for a special education and networking event with Wendy Holliday, Wnet CEO, and Gail Burgos, Senior Vice President, Diversity Equity Inclusion, 1st Sentry and CEO of Burgos Consulting LLC: Conscious Inclusion for Increased Company Success

August 17-19: MPC21: Digital Commerce Event, Sponsored by Wnet
Partner Event: Wnet Members can register with a special promo code!

August 26: Reinventing Yourself in a Fast-Changing World, Presented by MAC, Sponsored by Wnet
Partner Event: Wnet Members are invited to enjoy a complimentary registration!

November 3 & 4: Wnet 2021 Leadership Summit – Save the Date! 
In-Person Event in Atlanta, GA: Make the Investment



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