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Check your mailboxes for group savings up to 40% (AND receive a $10 Tim Hortons TimCard®)

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Get a $10 Tim Hortons TimCard® just by calling The Co-operators Group for an auto or home insurance quote!

The WRLA is always looking for opportunities to improve our Member Benefits Program. We are committed to offering comprehensive programs that provide strong value to our membership. In the coming weeks, check your mailboxes for exceptional insurance protection and group savings up to 40% through The Co-operators Group.
All members will be receiving an information package in the mail about getting a free $10 TimCard® when you call and get a no-obligation quote on your home or auto* insurance through the WRLA Group Home and Auto program offered through The Co-operators. All association members and employees of members are eligible. This offer will run until April 30, 2018 and includes Savings of up to 40% once all discounts have been calculated.    
To receive your no obligation quote, please call The Co-operators Group Home and Auto Division at 1-800-387-1963. (Note: this program is not available through local agents). 
*Auto insurance not available in British Columbia, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan.
**Group members may save up to 40% once all discounts have been calculated.

View other cost-saving benefit programs current WRLA Members and their employees can take advantage of throughout the year. 

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