Skills/Compétences Canada: The Honourable Diane Finley and Mike Holmes Canada's Most Trusted Contractor host Champions Breakfast, provide official send off to Team Canada 2011

Event celebrates achievements and makes final preparations as Team Canada readies for WorldSkills London 2011

Skills/Compétences Canada, a not-for-profit organization that actively promotes careers in skilled trades and technologies, along with Mike Holmes, Canada's Most Trusted Contractor, and the Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development today gave support and encouragement to Team Canada 2011 as they gathered in Ottawa for the Champions Breakfast. The event was the official 'send off' for Team Canada as they prepare for WorldSkills London 2011 - the world's largest, international skills competition with young people from across the globe competing to be the best of the best in their chosen skill.

From October 5-8, 2011, Canada's brightest young men and women will take the world stage in London, UK to compete amongst 1000 young people from 54 regions/countries. With skills ranging from hairstyling, to carpentry to Mobile Robotics, Canada's 34 competitors will be representing 32 of the over 40 trades and technology contests showcased at WorldSkills London 2011. On their final leg of training, Team Canada gathered for the last time before making their way to London this fall. With only three months until WorldSkills London 2011, they are pushing their training program into overdrive, with more clocked training hours, more repeated techniques, and mental preparation for competition against the best in the World. Alongside their trainers and experts, they are also taking in motivational workshops to manage the stress, anxiety and fatigue.

Mike Holmes, the host of Holmes Inspection™ officially announced that he will be accompanying Team Canada to WorldSkills London 2011. He plans to support them over the four day Competition and stay to watch them reach for the podium. An avid and vocal supporter of skilled trades and technology, Holmes, as part of the Canadian Delegation will also participate in the Leadership Forum and network with industry, education and other Member organizations around the world building awareness for the importance of skilled trades in the global marketplace.

"Preparing for WorldSkills London 2011 is an intensive two-year training process for the 34 young competitors who make up Team Canada," said Shaun Thorson, Chief Executive Officer, Skills/Compétences Canada. "We are exceptionally grateful for their enthusiasm, hard work and excellent training regimen. With ongoing support from the Government of Canada, industry leaders and educators, these talented young people represent a bright future for Canada's skilled trade and technology workforce, and we couldn't be more proud."

"I would like to wish everyone from Team Canada all the best at the WorldSkills competition in London," said Minister Finley. "As Canadian champions, you inspire other young people to discover careers in trades and technology. Our government is dedicated to improving opportunities for Canadians through skills development and that is why we are very proud to support Team Canada."

More information on WorldSkills London 2011 can be found at