WRLA Strategic Plan Update

In the Education and Training area, we will be launching an expanded forklift program to include other forms of materials handling such as telehandlers, aerial platforms, and skid steers. We will also announce during the Prairie Showcase and exciting venture into on-line product knowledge training and related courses. Stay tuned for our press release!

Under Change and Innovation, our first project was to develop a revised floor plan for our annual Showcase. This will be unveiled in Saskatoon on January 24. And as previously announced, we will be moving the Showcase to Calgary in 2015. We are currently working on an initiative where our young leaders of tomorrow will be given an opportunity to participate in the future direction of the WRLA. Finally, last fall we developed a Buying Group Liaison Committee. Each committee member is a WRLA Director who will cultivate a unique one on one relationship with the key decision maker at each buying group. Each committee member will discuss with each group their respective goals. This information will be used to assist the WRLA to develop programs and services in order to support those groups to achieve their goals.

Communication and Engagement with our members are some of the major challenges of any association including the WRLA. In the past few months we have developed a number of social media platforms that will enhance that engagement: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, and a chat function on our website. Video is now the #1 communication tool and we were quick to respond. WRLA-TV now has a YouTube channel and I encourage you to visit this site for the latest news on your association and your industry.

I look forward to updating you in future issues of the Toolbox on the progress of our Strategic Plans.

Thank you,
Gary Hamilton
President, WRLA