Understanding Gen-X and Millennial Employees

Whether you’re looking to fill management positions or find part-time employees to tackle the registers and stock shelves, understanding generational differences can help retailers with hiring, retaining and motivating employees.

Generational groups all have different behaviours that impact the workplace, both positively and negatively, according to an article by Entrepreneur. The article discusses the two generations younger than the Baby Boomers, focusing on how to hire and retain Generation X and Generation Y, also known as millennials.

"To recruit, retain and motivate Xers, appeal to their desire for balance. Develop family-friendly programs that offer flexible schedules, telecommuting and job-sharing," the Entrepreneur article explains.

Millennials are the next generation that retailers need to understand. Although millennials are often accused of being "entitled, impatient and outspoken with limited ability to take criticism," they are extremely tech savvy and believe they can change the world for the better, the article says.

In order to keep millennials happy, the article recommends offering flexibility and fun in the workplace. Additionally, the article suggests that you should use positive feedback and offer constructive criticism after you earn their trust.

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