WRLA EXHIBITORS: Important "To Do's" leading up to the Buying Show!

Thank you for participating in the 2018 WRLA Buying Show!
"One of Canada's Largest Industry Events"
Exhibitor Name Badge & Event Registration - CLICK HERE 
Exhibiting Companies have access to unlimited, complimentary name badges.  
*Please have your Credit Card ready should you wish to purchase event tickets. 

What is included in your booth rental:
*If you wish to order more electrical or internet, please order through BMO Centre (forms below), if you need to order display materials, please order through GES (forms below).
To View the Following Guide visit: www.wrla.org/buying_show/exhibitor_info/

GES Services
Book your chairs, tables and display needs!
CLICK HERE or visit: www.wrla.org/buying_show/exhibitor_info/
Calgary Stampede Services 
Concessions Order Form - Coffee & Bottled Water (water must be logo'd if you provide your own)
Exhibitor Rental Order Forms - Including: Internet, Banner/Decor Hanging, Electrical etc. 

ABF Freight Systems Canada Ltd. - Mark Romanowicz, Regional Tradeshow Specialist
YRC Reimer - Bruce Norcott – Exhibit Coordinator
GES Services - Doug Kennedy, Regional Tradeshow Specialist 
For more information and to book your freight, visit: www.wrla.org/buying_show/exhibitor_info/
Exhibitor Booth Billing
If you have any questions or concerns with your booth invoice, please contact accounting@wrla.org
*No refunds for booth space will be made after November 15th, 2017.  We may be able to accommodate changes to booth space, this will be at the discretion of the Show Manager & Show Committee.