TWO Chances to win a $500 Visa Gift Card!
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TWO Chances to win a $500 VISA Gift Card
As a valued member of WRLA we want to hear your thoughts on the communications that we offer. We have 2 surveys that we would appreciate your response on.
Upon completion of either or both surveys you will be entered to win
$500 VISA Gift Cards!
The first survey will help us determine how we can improve the benefits of your membership through our communication offerings including: Yardstick magazine, Toolbox eNewsletter, the Membership Directory, WRLA TV, and our website. This will take no more than 7 minutes to complete and you will be entered to win a $500 Visa Gift Card.

The second survey will provide us some insight on your needs in regards to promoting your brand. This will help us determine how to better serve you as an advertising medium in our multiple communications. This will take no more than 5 minutes to complete and you will be entered to win a $500 Visa Gift Card.

Thank you in advance for your participation and continued support. We value our members and our aim is to continue to improve the ways in which we serve you.
*If either of these surveys should go to someone else, please forward on. Thank you.*