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Artistic Iron Works Ltd. (Head Office)
925 1st Ave.
Regina, SK    S4N 6E5
Phone: 306-721-2663
Phone TF: 800-667-4766
Fax: 306-721-0244
Main Contact: Stacey Getz
(Manufacturer) (Distributor) (Wholesaler) steel step frames, bench brackets, steel railings, picnic tables and gate frames

EPS Molders Inc. (Head Office)
4513 - 101 Street
Edmonton, AB    T6E 5C6
Phone: 780-477-2377
Fax: 780-474-1317
Main Contact: Mark Cunningham
(Manufacturer) standard and custom insulation (EPS) products, ICF forms, structural insulated walls, sheet insulation, EIFS, mouldings, void forms, geofoam, hydronic floor panels and custom products.

Karcher North America Inc. (Head Office)
750 W. Hampden Avenue Suite 400
Englewood, CO 80110
Phone: 303-738-2476
Phone TF: 877-445-4326
Fax: 877-236-0681
Main Contact: Frank Lepore
(Manufacturer) cleaning systems and cleaning products, gas and electric pressure washers, multi vacs, power window cleaners, cleaning agents and accessories

Leavitt Machinery (Head Office)
24389 Fraser Hwy
Langley, BC   V2Z 2L3
Phone: 604-607-4450
Fax: 604-607-4455
Main Contact: Jennifer Pambrun
(Distributor) (Service Provider) material handling equipment dealer, forklifts, aerial equipment, parts, service, sales, rentals, operator training.


BC Wood Specialties Group Association (Head Office)
#200, 9292 200th Street
Langley, BC    V1M 3A6
Phone: 604-882-7100
Fax: 604-882-7300
Main Contact: Randi Walker
(Trade Association) not for profit trade association of value-added wood products manufacturers from BC, celebrating our 25th anniversary

iRecycle Inc.
Westman Steel Industries
Home Hardware Stores Ltd
Castle Building Centres
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