Please sign and return your Exhibitor Contracts and Health & Safety Forms NOW (if you haven't already).
Exhibitor Booth Payments are now PAST DUE (September 30, 2011)!
If payment is not received by October 21st (at the very latest) you will not appear in the December Show edition of the YardStick! To pay via credit card please call Lannie at 800-661-0253 ext. 4
All show information can be found by following this link
If you would like to cancel your booth, please send an email to
Online Registration for your name badges and evening events will be available by October 10th - so watch for links - don't assume someone else has registered you - check and make sure to avoid the line-up at the door! Have your credit card ready - you must pay for your evening events at time of registration!
Manual Estimating –Winnipeg
Plumbing and Electrical with Bob Sutherland – Calgary and Winnipeg
Retail Business Management Studies Program – Edmonton
CLICK HERE to Visit the education calendar and register today!

WRLA Retail Members - show guides will be in the mail by October 7th. Online registration for your name badges and evening events will be open by October 10th! - have your credit card ready - you must pay for your evening events at time of registration!
If you require assistance registering please call Grace or Susan at 800-661-0253 or 204-957-1077
Don't forget to reserve your hotel rooms now!

Also, you may cross-reference contact information using our online directory
Page 121
Company: LP Building Products (Head Office)
New Address and Phone:
PO Box 31153
Guelph, ON N1H 8k1
Phone: 519-780-2842
Less than 20% of exhibitors actually conduct some form of Pre-Show Promotion. CEIR reports that 75% of today's attendees come to an exhibition with an agenda. If you want them to schedule time to visit us you need to get on their "must see agenda." An effective pre-show promotion program has three elements: The List, The Content and The Offer.
The List is almost always the most important and time-consuming activity of the three. You first need to define your targeted audience then locate them for some type of communication. You have several options: (1) show management: last year's registration list (be careful with high turnover industries -- they may have come last year, but are they still in place this year?) They may offer a pre-registration list that is categorized into industry segments and demographic description. (2) Or you can create our own from your database or field sales input.
The Content is what you will have in your exhibit that is of interest to your targeted audience: Your new product. Your demonstrations that provide hands-on interaction. What have you brought to the show that will interest your audience?
And last The Offer - what benefit are you offering that will change your prospect's or customer's life. What solutions are you providing? What will attract them to come to your exhibit? Greater profitability? Improved Efficiency? Or the opportunity to win a iPad?
With the popularization of the internet and broadcast faxes, you are not left to the traditional means of communicating your presence at a show - print. You can begin the dialog before the show using web-based pre-show promotions. With the speed of communication, you can have more than one interchange before visitors arrive at your exhibit. It doesn't really matter what type of pre-show promotion you employ, just so you do something that is a call for action to increase the awareness that you are present to offer solutions. Don't be left wondering why no one is in your exhibit and your neighbor's exhibit is full - conduct a pre-show promotion program that communicates who you are, what you do and what is your offer before they arrive at the show.
The Board of Directors of the LBMAO is pleased to announce that the recipient of the 2011 Industry Achievement Award is Michael McLarney.
The Industry Achievement Award was established in 1989 and since then has been awarded each year to those persons who have demonstrated leadership and a sincere interest in a strong and vibrant home improvement industry. The award recognizes those individuals who have contributed in a positive manner to the industry, the LBMAO and to their community.
Michael has been an icon for the home improvement industry for many years and has participated on several committees and events with the association as well as being the publisher of "Hardlines" – the industry newsletter. Michael is well deserving of this recognition and we appreciate his dedication towards this vibrant and evolving industry.
The LBMAO Past Chair Committee makes the selection based upon nominations from the industry. Those who are nominated but not chosen may have their name forwarded to the next year.
We wish to congratulate Michael and thank all those who submitted nominations.
Steve Choquette, LBMAO Chair
J.D. Van Noy, Chair, Selection Committee
Owens Corning (NYSE: OC) through its Roofing business today announced a strategic alliance with Earth911, Inc., host of the largest and most accurate recycling directory in North America, to expand shingle recycling opportunities for contractors and consumers. The alliance supports Owens Corning's commitment to sustainable roofing practices and broadens the scope of the company's industry-leading shingle recycling program by providing access to contractors who utilize local shingle recyclers found on
In 2009, Owens Corning Roofing established the nation's first shingle recycling program in alliance with Heritage Environmental Services. Since its inception, the program has recycled more than 80,000 tons of asphalt shingles(1), the equivalent of saving 80,000 barrels of oil.
"This new alliance with Owens Corning Roofing represents a tremendous opportunity for contractors and consumers to make a difference through this new method of reducing waste, which saves valuable petroleum in the form of asphalt," said Barry Monheit, CEO of Earth911. "We commend Owens Corning™ for its leadership in driving sustainable business practices in the building materials industry."
Contractors who take the Owens Corning™ Roofing Shingle Recycling Pledge, can now use the Earth911 Recycling Directory available via, the toll-free 1-800-CLEANUP hotline, or the free iRecycle app for Android and iOS mobile devices to locate an expanded list of local recyclers in their area. For homeowners replacing a roof, the alliance provides an easy-to-use resource to locate contractors who recycle shingles through the Owens Corning Contractor Locator. Additionally, Owens Corning provides consumers access to educational videos and other information about sustainable roof replacement practices.
"The more we help to expand the network of contractors who recycle, the faster we can reduce the amount of needless construction debris in landfills," said Sheree Bargabos, president, Owens Corning Roofing. "And because many environmentally conscious consumers view Earth911 as a valuable resource, we are also providing them with a list of reputable contractors who share their passion for sustainable roofing practices."
Connect with industry experts to learn more about shingle recycling
Each year, up to 10 million tons of recyclable shingles are removed from the roofs of U.S. homes and buildings.(2) To help educate consumers about the benefits of shingle recycling and how they can make sustainable decisions when replacing their roof, Owens Corning Roofing and Earth911 are hosting the following educational opportunities:
• "What's the Big Deal About Shingle Recycling?" – A Twitter chat to be hosted from 11 a.m. to noon ET on October 6, on Twitter and live from Owens Corning booth #1181 at the Greenbuild International Conference and Expo in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Featuring experts from Owens Corning (@Owens_Corning), UL Environment (@ulenvironment), Heritage Environmental (@HeritageEnviro) and others, the chat will focus on the benefits of shingle recycling.
• The "Smart Saving Quiz" on Facebook – Consumers can take a quiz to test their knowledge regarding the impact of shingle recycling. The results can be shared via social media and participants can become a fan of shingle recycling
Consumers who participate in the Twitter chat or Facebook quiz are eligible to win a 30 percent (up to $1,000) discount on the cost of Owens Corning™ shingles for a residential roof installation.
Skills/Compétences Canada: Canada's Top Skilled Trade and Technology Students Go for Gold at WorldSkills London 2011, October 5-8 LONDON, UK, Oct. 5, 2011 /CNW/ - Skills/Compétences Canada, a national not-for-profit organization that actively promotes careers in skilled trades, today announced that Team Canada, is ready to take on the best in the world as the first day of the 41st WorldSkills Competition gets underway.
Team Canada will compete against more than 1,000 Competitors from 51 WorldSkills International Member countries/regions in Olympic-style team and individual competitions within specialized skilled trade and technology categories, from October 5 to 8, 2011 in London.

"We are exceptionally proud of the hard work and training Team Canada has undertaken in the months leading up to WorldSkills London 2011," said Shaun Thorson, Chief Executive Officer, Skills/Compétences Canada. "With support and encouragement from the Government of Canada, industry leaders and educators, these talented young individuals, who represent the future of Canada's skilled trade and technology workforce, are prepared to compete alongside the best of the best from around the world. We couldn't be more proud.
"This will be Canada's eleventh participation in a WorldSkills Competition, which takes place every two years and brings together the world's brightest in skilled trades and technology. Team Canada will participate in 32 of the 46 skills categories. At the last WorldSkills Competition, held in Calgary in 2009, Canada won 8 medals, 13 medallions of excellence , with Team Canada ranking 5th in total medal points.
Mike Holmes, Canada's most trusted contractor and official spokesperson for Skills/Compétences Canada, will be participating in several activities at the WorldSkills London 2011 Competition. A long supporter of Skills/Compétences Canada and the skilled trade movement, he will focus attention on the important role that youth in the skilled trades and technologies have on the economic future of Canada.
Team Canada is made up of 34 competitors representing various regions and educational institutions from across the country. These talented young people, ranging in age from 17 to 22, are participating in the WorldSkills competition to showcase and benchmark their talents against the best in the world, as they ready to launch their new careers. Before heading into the WorldSkills 2011 competition, the following members of Team Canada provided their thoughts on the upcoming competition:
· "I am confident that I can tackle any challenge that arises at WorldSkills London 2011. There is a challenge inherent in every competition and it is always a surprise. I look forward to surpassing my personal best." Gabriel Therien, Team Canada 2011, Mechatronics.
· "I excel under pressure and I've honed my skills where I am able to work with speed and accuracy, I am looking forward to competing with the best at WorldSkills London 2011." Maxime Piche, Team Canada 2011, Plumbing and Heating
· "I'm a natural performer and always up for the stress and challenge of competition. I'm looking forward to competing at WorldSkills London 2011." Benjamin Church, Team Canada 2011, Mobile Robotics
· "I want to see how well I can do against the best cabinetmakers in the world!" Jonathan Sinke, Team Canada 2011, Cabinet Making
About Skills/Compétences Canada Skills/Compétences Canada was founded in 1989 as a national, not‐for‐profit organization that works with employers, educators, labour groups and governments to promote skilled trades and technology careers among Canadian youth. Its unique position among private and public sector partners enables it to work toward securing Canada's future skilled labour needs while helping young people discover rewarding careers. Skills/Compétences Canada offers experiential learning opportunities including skilled trades and technology competitions for hundreds of thousands of young Canadians through regional, provincial/territorial, national and international events, as well as skilled trades awareness programs. Headquartered in Gatineau, Quebec, Skills/Compétences Canada is the Canadian Member organization of WorldSkills International. For more information, visit or call 877-754-5226. For more information on WorldSkills London 2011, visit
To view our WRLA Education Calendar CLICK HERE
October 27-28, 2011
Hardlines Conference 2011
Sheraton Toronto Airport Hotel & Conference Centre
Toronto, ON
October 29 - 30, 2011
Chalifour Fall Market
Place Bonaventure, Montreal, QC
November 2 - 6, 2011
Sexton Member Conference
San Diego, CA
November 17 - 18, 2012
New Canadian Home Improvement Show
Toronto Congress Centre
November 24 - 26, 2011
RONA 2012 Spring Market
Le palais des Congress, Montreal PQ
January 18-20, 2012
2012 Prairie Showcase Buying Show & Convention
Prairieland Park, Saskatoon
February 2, 3, & 4, 2012
Orgill 2012 Spring Market
Orlando, FL
March 30-31, 2012
TIM-BR MART National Buying Show
Toronto Congress Centre, Toronto, ON
Canada Fine Parts & Supplies (Head Office)
185 Claireport Cres.
Toronto, ON M9W 6P7
Phone: 416-644-8717
Fax: 416-644-8719
Main Contact: Earl Anderson
(Distributor) collated pneumatic fasteners and tools, bulk construction nails and screws, compressors and hose, black tie wire, galv. step flashing and metal roof valleys.