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St. Jacobs, ON, Oct 18, 2012 – The national finalists, and international challenge participants, were announced at the National Awards Ceremony hosted in the Edmonton Capital Region on October 13. Home Hardware Stores Limited supports Communities in Bloom as a national sponsor.
Winners of this year’s Outstanding Achievement Awards include the Municipality of Lambton Shores, which received the National Award and the Home Hardware Community Involvement Award, and The City of Pembroke, which received the Home Hardware Beauti-Tone Heritage Conservation Award.

Home Hardware Gardening Expert Mark Cullen awards the City of Pembroke the Heritage Conservation Award at the 2012 Communities in Bloom National Awards Ceremony. Home Hardware Stores Limited supports Communities in Bloom as a national sponsor.
Communities in Bloom is a Canadian non-profit organization committed to fostering civic pride, environmental responsibility and beautification through community involvement and the challenge of a national program, with focus on the promotion of green spaces in community settings. Participating communities are evaluated by volunteer judges on eight separate criteria: tidiness, environmental action, heritage conservation, urban forestry, landscape, turf & groundcovers, floral displays and community involvement.
"Communities in Bloom’s commitment to improving the environment in communities across Canada and around the world is one shared by all Home Hardware Dealer-Owners who proudly support this organization," said Paul Straus, President and CEO, Home Hardware Stores Limited. "On behalf of Dealer-Owners at close to 1,100 Home stores across Canada, I would like to congratulate the winning communities on this great achievement."
An international organization, municipalities from the United States of America, Scotland, England and Japan all took part in the challenge. Every year, hundreds of Canadian communities take up the challenge in the national and provincial edition of the program.
"Communities in Bloom and Home Hardware have enjoyed a fantastic and mutually beneficial partnership since our program launched," said Raymond Carriére, Founding President of Communities in Bloom. "Home Hardware Dealer-Owners are strong supporters of local community involvement and the environment, and we are honoured to have them with us every year as we recognize Canada’s most beautiful communities."
The following ten communities were recognized based on their population:
• Up to 1,200: Appleton, Newfoundland & Labrador
• 1,201 to 3,000: Beausejour, Manitoba
• 3,001 to 6,500: Jasper, Alberta
• 6,501 to 10,000: Castlegar, British Columbia
• 10,001 to 20,000: Lambton Shores, Ontario
• 20,001 to 50,000: Fort Erie, Ontario
• Over 50,001: Granby, Québec
• Canadian Forces Sustainable Communities: CFB Borden, Ontario
• Class of Champions Large Population: Strathcona County, Alberta
• Class of Champions Small Population: Boissevain, Manitoba
About Home Hardware Stores Limited
100% Canadian owned and operated, Home Hardware Stores Limited has a presence in every Canadian province and territory and is the country’s largest independent, Dealer-owned hardware, lumber, building materials and furniture cooperative. Founded on January 1, 1964 by 122 independent hardware Dealers, the cooperative now includes close to 1,100 stores, under the Home Hardware, Home Building Centre, Home Hardware Building Centre and Home Furniture banners, with annual collective retail sales of more than $5 billion. Home Hardware’s independent Dealer-Owners, recognized by the North American Retail Hardware Association as Canada’s best-trained Dealer group, have access to 100,000 quality brand name and private label products, a world-class distribution system and draw upon the power of Home Hardware’s network to provide their local communities with top quality products and services at competitive prices.
Ottawa, Ontario - The global economy has unfolded broadly as the Bank projected in its July Monetary Policy Report (MPR). The economic expansion in the United States is progressing at a gradual pace. Europe is in recession and recent indicators point to a continued contraction. In China and other major emerging economies, growth has slowed somewhat more than expected, though there are signs of stabilization around current growth rates. Notwithstanding the slowdown in global economic activity, prices for oil and other commodities produced in Canada have, on average, increased in recent months. Global financial conditions have improved, supported by aggressive policy actions of major central banks, but sentiment remains fragile.
In Canada, while global headwinds continue to restrain economic activity, domestic factors are supporting a moderate expansion. Following the recent period of below-potential growth, the economy is expected to pick up and return to full capacity by the end of 2013. The Bank continues to project that the expansion will be driven mainly by growth in consumption and business investment, reflecting very stimulative domestic financial conditions. Housing activity is expected to decline from historically high levels, while the household debt burden is expected to rise further before stabilizing by the end of the projection horizon. Canadian exports are projected to pick up gradually but remain below their pre-recession peak until the first half of 2014, reflecting weak foreign demand and ongoing competitiveness challenges. These challenges include the persistent strength of the Canadian dollar, which is being influenced by safe haven flows and spillovers from global monetary policy.
After taking into account revisions to the National Accounts, the Bank projects that the economy will grow by 2.2 per cent in 2012, 2.3 per cent in 2013 and 2.4 per cent in 2014.
Core inflation has been lower than expected in recent months, reflecting somewhat softer prices across a wide range of goods and services. Core inflation is expected to increase gradually over coming quarters, reaching 2 per cent by the middle of 2013 as the economy gradually absorbs the current small degree of slack, the growth of labour compensation remains moderate and inflation expectations stay well-anchored. Total CPI inflation has fallen noticeably below the 2 per cent target, as expected, and is projected to return to target by the end of 2013, somewhat later than previously anticipated.
Reflecting all of these factors, the Bank has decided to maintain the target for the overnight rate at 1 per cent. Over time, some modest withdrawal of monetary policy stimulus will likely be required, consistent with achieving the 2 per cent inflation target. The timing and degree of any such withdrawal will be weighed carefully against global and domestic developments, including the evolution of imbalances in the household sector.
Information note:
A full update of the Bank’s outlook for the economy and inflation, including risks to the projection, will be published in the MPR on 24 October 2012. The next scheduled date for announcing the overnight rate target is 4 December 2012.
This press release is now available on the Bank of Canada’s website.
October 25-26, 2013
17th Annual Hardlines Conference
Toronto, ON
October 27 - 28, 2012
Chalifour National Buying Expo
Place Bonaventure, Montreal, PQ
November 2 - 6, 2012
Sexton Member Conference
New Orleans, LA
Contact: callak@sextongroup.com
November 28 - 29, 2012
Canadian Home Improvement Show
Toronto Congress Centre, North Building, Toronto, ON
January 23 - 24, 2013
2013 Prairie Showcase Buying Show & Convention
Prairieland Park, Saskatoon, SK
Contact: ckelly@wrla.org
March 21 - 23, 2013
2013 TIM-BR MART National Buying Show
Toronto Congress Centre, Toronto, ON
To view the complete Events Calendar CLICK HERE
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Prinsco, Inc.
1717 16th Street NE
Willmar, MN, US 56201
Phone: 320-222-6800
Phone Toll Free: 800-992-1725
Fax: 320-222-6820
Main Contact: Hal Cassidy
(Manufacturer) Drainage products
2012-2013 WRLA DIRECTORY & Product Source Guide
Page 75
NEW CORRECT NAME: Integrity Building Products
Okotoks, AB
Page 139
Target Products Ltd. a wholly owned subsidiary of the Quikrete® Companies (Branch)
New Address:
7635 44 Street, Bay #9
Calgary, AB T2C 2K6
Support your association and broadcast your business to hundreds of decision-makers in the lumber industry. Advertising opportunities are still available in several WRLA publications:
The YardStick: The YardStick is sent to more than 1,200 members firms every other month. Advertising in the largest issue of The YardStick, the Prairie Showcase edition, is a great way to reinforce your marketing message with hundreds of decision-makers who regularly read this magazine while supporting WRLA. Ads booked within the print edition automatically appear (linked to the website or email of your choice) in the digital edition, which is read by more than 500 visitors each issue. Exclusive online ad positions are also available within every digital edition.
The Toolbox: Delivered directly to the inboxes of more than 1,200 lumber managers and professionals, this weekly e-newsletter offers consistent access to the individuals who rely on your products and services to run their businesses.
Directory & Product Source Guide: WRLA is the largest retail lumber association on the Prairies, with its membership representing 85% of the industry. All of our members are included in this annual directory and all keep this publication handy year-round. Make sure your business stands out in this resource by purchasing a display advertisement.
WRLA.org: Our website average more than 3,000 visits per month! Advertising space is available on the home and sub-pages of WRLA.org. Ads rotate on the home page and sub pages, expanding your exposure to site visitors at an affordable price.
WRLA-TV: Introducing the NEW WRLA-TV Banner Sponsorship. Our online TV and banners offer your brand high visibility on the WRLA homepage. Your branding and action oriented banner is featured every time WRLA-TV’s videos are played by our audience, leaving them one-click away from your website‘s landing page.
For more information about these opportunities, click here for the media kit or contact:
Kim Davies
Project Manager
(800) 665-2456, ext. 423