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We invite you to learn more about what's going on within your association and the companies whose products and/or services you utilize.

Stay current with what's happening in your Industry by watching WRLA's monthly video updates.
Featured in this Month's Video:
• Retail Business Management Studies Program
• Handling Your Retiree Benefits - Emerge Program
CLICK HERE or visit us a www.wrla.org to see all our videos!
Platinum $20,000
Tourism & City of Saskatoon
Castle Building Centres
Sexton Group Ltd.
Diamond $10,000
Taiga Building Products
Gold $5,000
All Weather Windows
Durabuilt Windows & Doors
Home Hardware Stores Limited
Lancashire Distribution
Owens Corning
Ply Gem
Silver $2,500
All Fab Building Components
Can-Cell Industries Inc.
Creative Door
Naylor Publishing
Steel-Craft Door Products Ltd.
Bronze $1,000
Alliance Door Products
Cherry Insurance
Duchesne et Fils ltee
Euro-Rite Cabinets Limited
Harris Rebar
Mitten Inc.
Morneau Shepell
Convention Club $500
Alexandria Moulding
National Concrete Accessories
OGC Inc.
SPACE IS STILL AVAILABLE for Manual Estimating in Saskatoon APRIL 8 – 11, 2013

Don’t miss the boat! CLICK HERE to Register your people NOW!
*And for more information on Rebates CLICK HERE*

• Reduce equipment, product and facility damages
• Reduce workers compensation claims and premiums
• Increase productivity
• Improve maintenance condition of equipment
• Enhance employee morale and company safety culture
NEW expanded WRLA Member Rate Program!
CLICK HERE to read more and to view new rates for 2013
Stay current with Industry News and Events by following the WRLA

Watch for weekly updates and monthly videos to share with co-workers and employees.
Help us get the word out about OUR Industry!
This is your opportunity to promote your business to presidents, CEOs and vice presidents at more than 1,200 member firms for an entire year. Make sure WRLA members notice your business when searching for new vendors and suppliers by reserving your space today.
For more information on advertising CLICK HERE or contact:
Kim Davies
Project Manager
1-800-665-2456 ext. 4423
OTTAWA, March 26, 2013 /CNW/ - A large portion of this need (about 210,000) is to replace retiring workers, according to the Construction Looking Forward, National Summary, 2013-2021, published by the Construction Sector Council.
"But these numbers conceal important ups and downs happening in different construction sectors and in different regions of the country," says Rosemary Sparks, Executive Director of the Construction Sector Council, stressing "the increased importance of labour market planning."
The report does indicate that institutional and commercial building provide steady year-by-year growth in most provinces, but big resource projects, including electrical generation and transmission, mining, and oil and gas pipelines create more volatility in industrial and utility construction.
"We must be able to supply the needed skills when and where required," continues Sparks. "This includes having access to a mobile workforce at times. It also means working to retain experienced workers and training the next generation. These challenges will continue to focus attention on training, labour mobility and immigration."
In terms of regional differences, Construction Looking Forward says British Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario are moving into a new expansion that will raise employment by 2021. Manitoba and Prince Edward Island expand, but at a slower pace, across the scenario period. In all of these provinces, new jobs are being added on top of all-time record high employment.
Key resource projects have been ramping up employment in Saskatchewan and Newfoundland and Labrador, which will reach a peak over the next two years, but still settle well above pre-2009 industry norms.
Though Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia have limited year-to-year changes in total construction employment, they may face labour challenges nonetheless that will require recruitment from outside the industry.
The forecast says residential construction employment is largely unchanged from 2013 to 2021.
Limited population growth from 2013 to 2021 keeps growth in new home building below previous levels. There are important variations across the provinces. Early on, for example, housing in Ontario is expected to decline, while in Manitoba and Saskatchewan this will not be a factor.
Each year, the CSC releases nine-year labour forecast scenarios following consultations with industry leaders, including owners, contractors and labour groups, as well as governments and educational institutions. The full national and regional reports will be available online at www.constructionforecasts.ca/products in March 2013.
PlanItDIY.com is the cornerstone of a North American initiative called PlanItDIY®. The site, which was created by the North American Retail Hardware Association for independent dealers, offers a content-rich resource for consumers looking for solutions to their home improvement, repair and maintenance projects.
Now, just one year after its launch, the retailers have been redeveloping the site, adding additional content, making it more female-friendly, and utilizing social media sharing capabilities. The result is one of the most aesthetically appealing, easy-to-use how-to home improvement sites on the web today.
The updated PlanItDIY.com features consumer favourites including:
• A library of short home improvement how-to project videos;
• Printable step-by-step project guides and checklists;
• An easy-to-use store locator that directs consumers to their local home improvement stores;
• A dynamic community where consumers can create a profile, save projects, and chat with other weekend warriors.
As if all this wasn’t exciting enough, retailers also recognized that today’s consumers want to access websites on mobile devices in addition to computers. So, the new PlanItDIY features responsive design, meaning the website automatically adjusts to the type of device being used. With more consumers utilizing how-to and social media sites from mobile devices, this is just one way PlanItDIY is reaching out to consumers.
WRLA members get unlimited access to PlanItDIY, including its helpful store locator function, as well as all the other NRHA training and services when they join NRHA through the WRLA.
CLICK HERE for more information about the WRLA or CLICK HERE for more information about NRHA.
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Shave minutes - even hours - off your construction, repair, or renovation job. FEIN's MultiMaster is the most versatile oscillating multi-tool on the market! You can saw, sand, scrape, cut, trim, polish, and sharpen with one tool.

Grow the green in your business by going with the greenest decking composite the market has to offer! TerraDeck by Nature's Composites is made with recycled milk jugs and wheat straw - Plus, it's better-looking, and more durable than the competition.
April 7 - 8, 2013
Federated Coop Market
Prairieland Park, Saskatoon, SK
April 13 - 15. 2013
TruServ Canada Spring Buying Market
Winnipeg Convention Centre, Winnipeg
April 14 - 16, 2013
Home Hardware Spring Market
St. Jacobs, ON
To view the complete Events Calendar CLICK HERE
To view the complete Education & Training Calendar CLICK HERE
Support your association and broadcast your business to hundreds of decision-makers in the lumber industry. Advertising opportunities are still available in several WRLA publications:
The YardStick: The YardStick is sent to more than 1,200 members firms every other month. Advertising in the largest issue of The YardStick, the Prairie Showcase edition, is a great way to reinforce your marketing message with hundreds of decision-makers who regularly read this magazine while supporting WRLA. Ads booked within the print edition automatically appear (linked to the website or email of your choice) in the digital edition, which is read by more than 500 visitors each issue. Exclusive online ad positions are also available within every digital edition.
The Toolbox: Delivered directly to the inboxes of more than 1,200 lumber managers and professionals, this weekly e-newsletter offers consistent access to the individuals who rely on your products and services to run their businesses.
Directory & Product Source Guide: WRLA is the largest retail lumber association on the Prairies, with its membership representing 85% of the industry. All of our members are included in this annual directory and all keep this publication handy year-round. Make sure your business stands out in this resource by purchasing a display advertisement.
WRLA.org: Our website average more than 3,000 visits per month! Advertising space is available on the home and sub-pages of WRLA.org. Ads rotate on the home page and sub pages, expanding your exposure to site visitors at an affordable price.
WRLA-TV: Introducing the NEW WRLA-TV Banner Sponsorship. Our online TV and banners offer your brand high visibility on the WRLA homepage. Your branding and action oriented banner is featured every time WRLA-TV’s videos are played by our audience, leaving them one-click away from your website‘s landing page.
For more information about these opportunities, click here for the media kit or contact:
Kim Davies
Project Manager
(800) 665-2456, ext. 423