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Here are five tips to make the most of your Showcase experience.

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2014 WRLA Prairie Showcase Buying Show
January 22-24, 2014
Saskatoon, SK
Forgot to Register for Name Badges?
Visit the WRLA Registration Desk at the Show- You must have a Name Badge to enter the Show floor.

All information regarding the show can be found on our website at www.wrla.org/prairie-showcase
Going to the 2014 WRLA Prairie Showcase?
Join us for our first NexGEN Networking Session!

This program will be for the Next Generation; designed by the Next Generation.
Friday, January 24, 2014
11:45 AM - 1:00 PM
(Last day of the 2014 Prairie Showcase)
Prairieland Park
Help yourself to our Buffet and join us in Breakout Room #5 - Hall A
Watch for NexGEN Signage!
Help the WRLA develop a program where you can become engaged and create relationships with other professionals and leaders in the Western Canadian Building Supply Industry.
For Details and to REGISTER NOW - CLICK HERE
Having trouble? Paste this URL into your browser http://www.cvent.com/d/k4qkr1

Hi Retailers,
My name is Professor Woody O’Tool
My colleagues have been very busy inventing some pretty cool items for you!
Let us know which invention & booth
are the best!
Included with your badges are 2 entry forms for Retailers Choice Crystal Awards. One for Best New Product and the other for Best Booth. You make the decision!
Drop off your completed entry forms in the WRLA booth in Hall C by 11am Friday!
The Board of Directors extends this special invitation to all Retail, Associate and Affiliate members to attend the Annual General Meeting and take advantage of the opportunity to voice your opinions and ask questions
There will be an election for two (2) new board members - For those members unable to attend the AGM but would still like to have their voice heard, we have attached a Proxy Vote application. This proxy will allow another qualified member to vote on your behalf.
As Per Article 9.4) Not less than 30 days prior to the Annual General Meeting, the nominating committee shall circulate a listing of the nominees for Director to the membership together with a profile of each.
Nominee Bios:
Scott McKee
Director of Store Support for McMunn & Yates Building Supplies. I have been part of the retail building material supply business for over 17 years. It all started as a summer job, driving the forklift and delivery truck. When I completed university, Mark McMunn convinced me to come back to work and I haven’t looked back since! In this time, I have had the opportunity to learn many sides of the business including Sales & Contract Sales, Kitchen Design, and Store Manager and now I’m proud to say I’m involved with all our Retail Store Operations.
Don Wygiera
Started with Beaver Lumber in Calgary, in early 1986. Worked his way up through the ranks and then moved the family to Chilliwack, B.C in 1991 to open a new Beaver Store. After 4 great years there they headed back Calgary where Don started with the Home Depot. In March 1999 he left Home Depot for the UFA, United Farmers of Alberta. 15 years later, Don’s proud to say that he’s still here as the Lumber & Post Buyer as well as the Lead Buyer, Building and Construction Supplies.
CLICK HERE for the 2014 Proxy Form
Canada’s Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (NFPC) came into force on October 17, 2011 and all federally incorporated organizations have until October 17, 2014 to comply with the Act. This new Act is designed to increase transparency and accountability and provide organizations with more modern governance principles.
The WRLA Board of Directors have approved the new by-laws and Articles of Continuance and recommended that both the by-laws and Articles of Continuance be referred to members for approval at WRLA Annual General Meeting on January 23, 2014 in Saskatoon.
Letter to Members - Regarding WRLA By-Law Amendments - CLICK HERE
Platinum Sponsors
Castle Building Centres
Sexton Group Ltd.
Diamond Sponsors
Regal Ideas
Gold Sponsors
All Weather Windows
Home Hardware Stores Limited
Lancashire Distribution
Taiga Building Products
ProfitMaster Canada
Silver Sponsors
All Fab Building Components
Can-Cell Industries Inc.
Steel-Craft Door Products Ltd.
Naylor Publishing
Bronze Sponsors
Alexandria Moulding
Alliance Door
CanWel Building Materials Division
Cherry Insurance
Duchesne et Fils ltee
Euro-Rite Cabinets Limited
Harris Rebar
Johns Manville
Morneau Shepell
National Forrest Products
Quikrete/Taget Products
Got News? Share it with us! And always watch for new videos and updates from the WRLA!
Help us get the word out about OUR Industry!
Four Ways to Prevent Shoplifting:
- Have good customer service. This is the single most effective way to prevent shoplifting from happening in your store. Shoplifters want to be left alone, but showing you are constantly present will discourage them.
- Train your employees on how to spot shoplifters. Send them through NRHA’s Loss Prevention course in External Theft. This will alert them to the various ways shoplifters try to conceal products and will tell them what they should do to prevent theft before it happens.
- Refine your store layout. As much as it is within your power, arrange store fixtures to prevent blind spots that are difficult for you to see as you walk down main aisles. Use bright lighting to maximize visibility. Place theft-prone merchandise, like power tools and accessories, near the front of the store.
- Use deterrents. Have visible deterrents around the store that let customers know you take a proactive approach to shoplifting. Signs warning against shoplifting, cameras, mirrors and locked cases for theft-prone merchandise are all ways to send the message that you are watching.
A Plan for Philanthropy
Credit card readers are down; a cashier is late; and what’s that little Post-it note on your door say? Just that your lead sales associate quit without notice. As retailers, everyone has had these days—when you just want to pack up and go home, yet you don’t even have time for lunch, let alone one more thing on your calendar.
But it is an important decision to decide to make time for helping your community. It creates more purpose to cut through the day-to-day chaos that comes with your line of business. The important thing to remember is that the people in your community support your business, but what are you doing to support them? Even though a lot of the time it doesn’t seem like you have it in you to give any more of yourself, making time will provide a payback that is beyond measure.
The reward will be when you know that you have helped the community that supports your business. It’s a great way to show your customers that you are committed not only to servicing them but to being an active participant in your community.
The goal of the North American Retail Hardware Association is to help independent hardware and home improvement retailers become better and more profitable merchants through a wide array of educational and training programs, financial management resources, and human resource tools that are all available online. WRLA members get unlimited access to a full range of training and management services when they join NRHA through the WRLA.
Visit www.wrla.org or CLICK HERE for more information about NRHA.
HARDLINES has been a source of breaking news for vendors and retailers, news services, and competing publications for almost 20 years. But until now past issues have been reserved for paid subscribers of the weekly HARDLINES e-newsletter. Effective immediately, past issues, starting one year ago from the present date, are available on www.hardlines.ca, all the way back to 2000. The rise of the big box, the consolidation of the industry, and evolution of buying groups are just some of the historic threads that can be traced through this rich trove of home improvement journalism.
The newly released Hardlines Archives and an enhanced Daily News Service are fully searchable and categorized chronologically for easy viewing. It’s all part of a new design for the Hardlines website, making it easier to navigate and providing archives of both our Daily News and weekly e-newsletter. Other features include easy access to free samples of all our publications, every issue of HHIQ magazine, a full calendar of industry events, Classified Ads, and Hardlines TV. The enhanced site also features innovative new advertising opportunities for retail and vendor companies.
The release of the Hardlines Archives and the enhanced Daily News Service, plus a library of digital magazines and a proprietary range of conferences and special reports are all ways that Hardlines is connecting the Canadian hardware/home improvement industry.
About Hardlines
Now in its 19th year, Hardlines is a leading authority on the retail home improvement industry. Hardlines’ products and services include its weekly HARDLINES electronic newsletter; its hard-copy magazine, Hardlines Home Improvement Quarterly; a comprehensive and informative website; a free Daily News Service; and the Annual Hardlines Conference Series, a two-day symposium that gathers retail executives from all over the world. For more information, please contact Michael McLarney, Editor of Hardlines at 416-489-3396 or mike@hardlines.ca.
Okaply announces the installation of sequential coding systems for their laminated panels and further expansion to their Calgary factory and warehouse.
Okaply Industries is pleased to announce the installation of an automated coding system for all the vinyl covered gypsum panels it manufactures for the modular building industry. Through the installation of computerized coders at the Quebec and Alberta plants, every panel that comes off the lines will have its own unique time stamp.
January 22 - 24, 2014
WRLA Prairie Showcase
Prairieland Park - Saskatoon, Sk
January 22, 2014
WRLA Prairie Showcase
Opening Night Meet & Greet
Radisson Hotel - Saskatoon, Sk
January 23, 2014
WRLA Prairie Showcase
Gala Evening
TCU Place - Saskatoon, Sk
January 24, 2014
WRLA Prairie Showcase
Closing Night Party
TCU Place - Saskatoon, Sk
To view the complete Events Calendar CLICK HERE
WRLA Prairie Showcase Listing Correction - Our apologies!
Fleetman Consulting Inc.
2369 124B St.
Surrey, BC,
V4A 9X7
Contact: Scott McLeod, President
Ph: (604)614-3530
Fx: (604)531-6585
Email: help@fleetmanconsulting.com
Web: www.fleetmanconsulting.com
Company Description: Independent Forklift Fleet Management & Procurement Consulting Services. Distributor of Forklift Maintenance Tracking Software, Forklift Parts, Forklift Attachments & Forklift Accessories. Distributor of Warehouse Equipment. View Website Catalogue.
Support your association and broadcast your business to hundreds of decision-makers in the lumber industry. Advertising opportunities are still available in several WRLA publications:
The YardStick: The YardStick is sent to more than 1,200 members firms every other month. Advertising in the largest issue of The YardStick, the Prairie Showcase edition, is a great way to reinforce your marketing message with hundreds of decision-makers who regularly read this magazine while supporting WRLA. Ads booked within the print edition automatically appear (linked to the website or email of your choice) in the digital edition, which is read by more than 500 visitors each issue. Exclusive online ad positions are also available within every digital edition.
The Toolbox: Delivered directly to the inboxes of more than 1,200 lumber managers and professionals, this weekly e-newsletter offers consistent access to the individuals who rely on your products and services to run their businesses.
Directory & Product Source Guide: WRLA is the largest retail lumber association on the Prairies, with its membership representing 85% of the industry. All of our members are included in this annual directory and all keep this publication handy year-round. Make sure your business stands out in this resource by purchasing a display advertisement.
WRLA.org: Our website average more than 3,000 visits per month! Advertising space is available on the home and sub-pages of WRLA.org. Ads rotate on the home page and sub pages, expanding your exposure to site visitors at an affordable price.
WRLA-TV: Introducing the NEW WRLA-TV Banner Sponsorship. Our online TV and banners offer your brand high visibility on the WRLA homepage. Your branding and action oriented banner is featured every time WRLA-TV’s videos are played by our audience, leaving them one-click away from your website‘s landing page.
For more information about these opportunities, click here for the media kit or contact:
Kim Davies
Project Manager
(800) 665-2456, ext. 423
Stay up-to-date on the latest industry news and events with our engaging new communication channel.
Have you watched the latest episode on our WRLA TV channel? Don't wait to take full advantage of this terrific media channel, one of the many benefits of your WRLA membership!
Check it out here!