Welcome to the ToolBox, your portal to WRLA member news and information within the LBM market.
We invite you to learn more about what's going on within your association and the companies whose products and/or services you utilize.
Have you Renewed?
*Invoices and renewal papers have been mailed.*
Any Changes?
Return your forms as soon as possible so we may update our information!
Take your skills to the next level
Store Managers * Supervisors * Purchasers * Marketers * Warehouse Manager

Enroll now in the Retail Business Management Studies Program
Sponsored by the WRLA.
Take one, two, or more modules - customize the program for your needs
June 2 – 17, 2014 Winnipeg, MB
 We're currently collecting Industry Memorabilia!
WRLA Members if you have any Company or Industry memorabilia such as Photos, Stories, Old Marketing Pieces, News Clippings or other documents dating as far back as you can remember we'd love to see them!
Please contact Caren Kelly at ckelly@wrla.org for more information.
WRLA is excited to host our Annual Buying Show in Calgary - January 2015!
Check out a quick Glimpse of this beautiful city on WRLA T.V

WRLA TV is a great place to find out what's happening in your Industry!
Breaking News | Industry Announcements | Highlights from Industry Events | Advertising | New Products | Helpful Tips
CLICK HERE for our Media Kit and to find out how you can advertise on WRLA T.V!
CLICK HERE to Watch Now!
Got News? Share it with us! And always watch for new videos and updates from the WRLA!
Help us get the word out about OUR Industry!
Did you know?
In most insurance policies Cyber & Privacy Breach are not covered?

Are you exposed to data breach and cyber liability?
Do you store, hold or even pass on to third parties personal information about clients, customers or employees (includes electronic as well as paper files/data)? If you do, you will have an exposure to the legal and regulatory ramifications of a data breach.
CLICK HERE to Learn more!

Protect the health of your family with MAYO CLINIC Expertise via MyCare Health Benefit Option!
What Is MyCare Health Benefit Option* (HBO)?
MyCare HBO provides Plan Members with access to Mayo Clinic expertise throughtheir team of over 3,700 experts for medical diagnosis so the best treatment and recovery plan are not delayed.
CLICK HERE for the complete details!
June 2 - 19, 2014
Retail Business Management Studies Program
June 18 - 20, 2014
Castle Western Buying Expo
Calgary, AB
August 19. 2014
WRLA Terry Yates Memorial Golf Tournament
Steinbach, MB
September 4. 2014
WRLA Calgary Classic Golf Tournament
Sundre, AB
September 10 - 13, 2014
BSIA 2014 Westcoast Building & Hardware Show
Whistler, BC
September 17. 2014
WRLA Kenosee Golf Tournament
Kenosee Lake, SK
To view the complete Events Calendar CLICK HERE
Support your association and broadcast your business to hundreds of decision-makers in the lumber industry. Advertising opportunities are still available in several WRLA publications:
The YardStick: The YardStick is sent to more than 1,200 members firms every other month. Advertising in the largest issue of The YardStick, the Prairie Showcase edition, is a great way to reinforce your marketing message with hundreds of decision-makers who regularly read this magazine while supporting WRLA. Ads booked within the print edition automatically appear (linked to the website or email of your choice) in the digital edition, which is read by more than 500 visitors each issue. Exclusive online ad positions are also available within every digital edition.
The Toolbox: Delivered directly to the inboxes of more than 1,200 lumber managers and professionals, this weekly e-newsletter offers consistent access to the individuals who rely on your products and services to run their businesses.
Directory & Product Source Guide: WRLA is the largest retail lumber association on the Prairies, with its membership representing 85% of the industry. All of our members are included in this annual directory and all keep this publication handy year-round. Make sure your business stands out in this resource by purchasing a display advertisement.
WRLA.org: Our website averages more than 3,000 visits per month! Advertising space is available on the home and sub-pages of WRLA.org. Ads rotate on the home page and sub pages, expanding your exposure to site visitors at an affordable price.
WRLA-TV: Introducing the NEW WRLA-TV Banner Sponsorship. Our online TV and banners offer your brand high visibility on the WRLA homepage. Your branding and action oriented banner is featured every time WRLA-TV’s videos are played by our audience, leaving them one-click away from your website‘s landing page.
For more information about these opportunities, click here for the media kit or contact:
Kim Davies
Project Manager
(800) 665-2456, ext. 423
Stay up-to-date on the latest industry news and events with our engaging new communication channel.
Have you watched the latest episode on our WRLA TV channel? Don't wait to take full advantage of this terrific media channel, one of the many benefits of your WRLA membership!
Check it out here!