Welcome to the ToolBox, your portal to WRLA member news and information within the LBM market.
We invite you to learn more about what's going on within your association and the companies whose products and/or services you utilize.
Retail Business Management Studies Program
Winnipeg, MB
March 10 & 11 Management Skills – The Manager’s TOOLKIT
March 10 & 11 Strategic Marketing
March 12 & 13 HR Management – Unraveling the Mystery of People Management
March 12 & 13 Purchasing
March 16 - 18 Financial Management
March 19 & 20 Inventory Management
Manual Estimating
Leduc, AB
March 2 & 3 Level 1 - Estimating Fundamentals – Decks & Garages
March 4 & 5 Level 2 – Estimating for Residential Construction
March 6 Level 3 – Advanced Estimating
Winnipeg, MB
March 16 & 17 Level 1 - Estimating Fundamentals – Decks & Garages
March 18 & 19 Level 2 – Estimating for Residential Construction
March 20 Level 3 – Advanced Estimating
The 2016 Buying Show Hotel registration link will go LIVE:
February 26, 2015
DO NOT call the hotels direct - use the online system located on our website
WRLA Presents: 125 Years in the Making!
If you joined us at our 125th Anniversary Celebration in Calgary you got the special premiere of this video!
For those who couldn't join us in, we hope you enjoy!
It's hard to believe 125 years have passed since the WRLA first opened it's doors...
We'd love to hear your stories and comments!
Email them to kristas@wrla.org
And as always visit our website at www.wrla.org to stay up to date with our Industry!
Tyler Miller
Purchasing Agent, Nelson Lumber Company Ltd.
You've won a 2015 Samsung Galaxy Tab4!
Tyler attended the WRLA Buying Show for his first time this past January, and while he was busy buying with family and colleagues he still made time to leave his contact information at the WRLA Booth. He will now receive information on all upcoming NexGEN and WRLA functions, plus by leaving his info his name was entered to win a Samsung Tablet!
Stay tuned for future NexGEN Promotions!
Visit: www.wrla.org/nexgen
Send in your smart phone videos of the most memorable moments at this year's WRLA Buying Show. If you captured video of the show floor, evening events or any moment really - be sure to send it our way!
You could WIN a $100 Visa Gift Card!
The WRLA NexGEN committee will select the top 5 videos from those submitted.
Didn't get a video? We'd love to see your pictures from the show! You can send them to Krista as well, and you may just see yourself in the YardStick Magazine or on WRLA's Linkedin, Facebook or Twitter pages!
Travelling Anytime Soon?
For many people, travelling out-of-country or out-of-province is a common occurrence. A vacation is meant to be a time of fun and adventure. Unfortunately, unexpected sickness and injuries can happen at anytime. Before you venture, it is important to review your Travel Health benefits.
What should I and/or my dependents do prior to traveling?
- Review your Travel Health plan for pre-existing conditions, clauses and stability requirements.
- Talk to your Doctor.
- Ensure your vaccinations are up to date and appropriate.
- Ensure you have all required medications for the length of time you will be away.
- Ensure your provincial coverage is in place and address/contact information is up to date.
- Be aware of your trip limits - how long will your plan cover you for?
- Be aware of any Travel Health coverage exclusions or limitations, e.g. travelling when pregnant, alcohol consumption, etc.
- Pack your travel insurance information (wallet card & booklet); along with emergency help numbers, your provincial health card and your family doctor's contact information. If you've lost your insurance information, get a replacement card.
- Let family members and travelling partners know the details of your travel insurance and where you have packed it.
Did you know?
- Many insurers do not cover Travel Health expenses incurred if an individual is travelling to seek Medical Advice, a second Medical Opinion, Medical Treatment, Examination or Diagnostics of any kind, even if a medical emergency arises that is unrelated to the medical condition that is the purpose of the trip.
- Insurers may not cover dependents who are attending educational institutions outside the country. For example if you have a dependent child who is attending schooling outside of Canada, there may be no coverage in the event of a medical emergency.
What do I do during a medical emergency out-of-province/country?
When traveling, it is important to carry your benefit plan ID Card. Your card includes the toll-free numbers required to obtain assistance during a medical emergency. Contact the Travel Health provider first; prior to any care being received. Travel Health providers reserve the right to decline or reduce the amount of expenses covered if they are not contacted immediately.
Be sure you understand your Travel Insurance coverage. For more information regarding your Travel Health coverage, contact your insurance carrier.
Whether you’re looking to fill management positions or find part-time employees to tackle the registers and stock shelves, understanding generational differences can help retailers with hiring, retaining and motivating employees.
Generational groups all have different behaviours that impact the workplace, both positively and negatively, according to an article by Entrepreneur. The article discusses the two generations younger than the Baby Boomers, focusing on how to hire and retain Generation X and Generation Y, also known as millennials.
"To recruit, retain and motivate Xers, appeal to their desire for balance. Develop family-friendly programs that offer flexible schedules, telecommuting and job-sharing," the Entrepreneur article explains.
Millennials are the next generation that retailers need to understand. Although millennials are often accused of being "entitled, impatient and outspoken with limited ability to take criticism," they are extremely tech savvy and believe they can change the world for the better, the article says.
In order to keep millennials happy, the article recommends offering flexibility and fun in the workplace. Additionally, the article suggests that you should use positive feedback and offer constructive criticism after you earn their trust.
Feb 3 - 5, 2015
ABSDA Atlantic Building Materials Show
Moncton, NB
Feb 8 - 14, 2015
Home Hardware Convention
Feb 19-21, 2015
Orgill Spring Dealer Market
Orlando, FL
Feb 19 - 21, 2015
Toronto, ON
March 27, 2015
Westcoast Building & Hardware Innovative Products Show
Cloverdale Fair Grounds
Surrey, BC
April 19 - 20, 2015
Federated Coop Market
Prairieland Park, Saskatoon
April 11 - 13, 2015
TruServ Canada Spring Market
Winnipeg Convention Centre, Winnipeg, MB
April 18 - 21, 2015
Home Hardware Spring Market
St. Jacobs, ON
August 27-29, 2015
Orgill Fall Market
New Orleans
Home Building Centre
4601 - 27th Street
Vernon, BC V1T 4Y8
Phone: 250-545-5384
Fax: 250-545-0083
Main Contact: John Kehler
RONA B.H. Allen Building Centre Ltd.
915 W 1st St.
North Vancouver, BC V7P 1A4
Phone: 604-985-3000
Fax: 604-985-7958
Main Contact: Bruce Allen

Stay up-to-date on the latest industry news and events with our engaging new communication channel.
Have you watched the latest episode on our WRLA TV channel? Don't wait to take full advantage of this terrific media channel, one of the many benefits of your WRLA membership!
Check it out here!