Welcome to the ToolBox, your portal to WRLA member news and information within the LBM market.
We invite you to learn more about what's going on within your association and the companies whose products and/or services you utilize.
ONLY 1 Week left to offer your Feedback!
Please click on the correct link below
Exhibitor Survey
Retailer Survey
This survey will only take 5 minutes to complete.
Upon completion your name will be entered to WIN a Tablet!
Survey must be completed by March 13, 2015.
RETAILERS - Don’t be fooled! You may think you know your customer and they will tell you a problem exists, but statistics show only one out of every ten customers voice an opinion. And remember, good news travels fast, bad news travels faster. If you have an unsatisfied customer, you may never know and they could start spreading the word.
Here’s how it works. The WRLA is partnered with one of the leading appraisal firms in Canada to conduct the Mystery Shop. They use professional shoppers who know what to look for, what to ask, and who will conduct an honest and fair evaluation of your business.
If you are interested in participating in The Mystery Shopper Program, open, and sign the form below and fax to the WRLA Office at 204-947-5195 or email wrla@wrla.org The member cost is only $90.00 plus GST per shop.
2016 WRLA Buying Show – HOTELS
The 2016 Buying Show Hotel registration link will go LIVE:
Spring 2015
*DO NOT call the hotels direct*
Use the online system located on our website: www.wrla.org
International Conference Services has been designated as the Official Housing Bureau for the 2016 WRLA Buying Show. The Official WRLA hotels were chosen for the numerous benefits they offer WRLA delegates and we request your assistance and support by booking your hotel accommodation at one of the Official WRLA hotels. Accommodation reserved outside the Official hotel room blocks exposes WRLA to financial penalties. Your loyalty and cooperation is greatly appreciated!
Benefits to book within the official WRLA 2016 housing block:
- Official hotels are approved by the WRLA Board.
- Greater networking opportunities exist in hotels inside the block.
- Special reduced hotel rates and complimentary internet.
Retail Business Management Studies Program
WRLA Boardroom, Winnipeg, MB
*The following two modules have been confirmed. Both these courses have been relocated to the WRLA Boardroom at 213 Notre Dame, 10th floor. Register NOW at the link below.
March 12 & 13 Purchasing
March 16 & 17 Inventory Management
Manual Estimating
Winnipeg, MB
March 16 & 17 Level 1 - Estimating Fundamentals – Decks & Garages
March 18 & 19 Level 2 – Estimating for Residential Construction
March 20 Level 3 – Advanced Estimating
WRLA is pleased to offer its members the opportunity to post their career opportunities on line for FREE! This service is free to members of the association but the ads can be viewed by anyone. This is a FREE benefit of Membership!
Click Here to Submit a Career Listing
Epicor BisTrack is a business management solution designed to help dealers and distributors of lumber, building materials and construction supplies better manage all aspects of their businesses and optimize operations. Built on an advanced, scalable and extensible platform, Epicor BisTrack is designed to manage LBM businesses of all sizes. The software creates efficiencies in workflow by improving the flow of information from the supplier to the end customer, and offers powerful and flexible business intelligence tools for better forecasting and decision-making.
"The lumber and building materials industry is inherently broad – spanning manufacturing, distribution and retail operations," said Graham Rigby, BisTrack product manager for Epicor. "Our customers rely on Epicor to provide solutions that unravel and streamline these intricate functions to support all LBM retailers, dealers and distributors. The new release of Epicor BisTrack delivers this vision by providing the most comprehensive software solution for easy and effective management of every type of LBM business."
Key new features in the new Epicor BisTrack include:
- Product Batches – Product batches give LBM dealers a simple solution for handling the otherwise complex task of segregating inventory into specific lots or locations. For example, dealers can now isolate special purchases for a customer job, and keep that purchase cost separate from the rest of their inventory. This gives them better visibility of project profitability and allows for more accurate costing and quoting, and better control over their margins. These batches can also be configured for lot control to better manage color-sensitive items, such as tiles or shingles.
- Sub-Assembly Manufacturing and Scheduling Kits – Manufactured kits within Epicor BisTrack are designed to reduce the complexity of door and millwork production with a system that streamlines everything from sales order entry to complex, multi-location manufacturing and scheduling. With the new version of Epicor BisTrack, this functionally has been further enhanced with sub-assembly and formula-based rules for quantity calculations—providing support for advanced business processed all while simplifying the end user experience.
- Smart Clicks – Epicor BisTrack is already noted for its advanced user customization features through its Smart View feature, which provides user-defined views of data. The new Smart Click functionality also allows dealers to customize the way they work with their data. It gives dealers further data extensibility by allowing them to create customized actions on the data. This tool permits dealers to further tailor and configure their workflow, increasing end user efficiency and productivity.
- Offline Point of Sale (POS) – With this feature, Epicor BisTrack customers can run POS checkouts in an offline mode, allowing dealers to keep the doors open and maintain business continuity during emergencies or periods of network disconnect. This way, dealers can conduct business, perform all necessary transactions and sync them up later with the central server when network access is restored.
For additional information regarding Epicor BisTrack and other Epicor products and services, please contact your Epicor representative, call Epicor toll-free at (888) 463-4700 or email lumber@epicor.com
About Epicor Software Corporation
Epicor Software Corporation is a global leader delivering inspired business software solutions to the manufacturing, distribution, retail and services industries. With over 40 years of experience serving small, midmarket and larger enterprises, Epicor has more than 20,000 customers in over 150 countries. Epicor enterprise resource planning (ERP), retail management software, supply chain management (SCM), and human capital management (HCM) enable companies to drive increased efficiency and improve profitability. With a history of innovation, industry expertise and passion for excellence, Epicor provides the single point of accountability that local, regional and global businesses demand. The Company’s headquarters are located in Austin, Texas, with offices and affiliates worldwide. For more information, visit www.epicor.com
A highlight of the evening at the 2015 ABSDA Annual Dinner featured the launch of ABSDA’s new logo. This version replaces the previous logo which was introduced in 1975. As we move forward, this new branding will be incorporated in all ABSDA promotional materials and publications, starting with the revised look, featured in this issue of our monthly newsletter.
As part of the Brand Launch President Denis Melanson introduced the New Association Slogan:
ABSDA will be launching other new initiatives over the next few months, including the 2015 ABSDA Summit. Watch for further details.
March 27, 2015
Westcoast Building & Hardware Innovative Products Show
Cloverdale Fair Grounds
Surrey, BC
April 19 - 20, 2015
Federated Co-op Market
Prairieland Park, Saskatoon
April 11 - 13, 2015
TruServ Canada Spring Market
RBC Winnipeg Convention Centre, Winnipeg, MB
April 18 - 21, 2015
Home Hardware Spring Market
St. Jacobs, ON
August 18, 2015
WRLA Memorial Golf Tournament
The Links at Quarry Oaks – Steinbach, MB
August 27-29, 2015
Orgill Fall Market
New Orleans
September 3, 2015
WRLA Calgary Classic
Sundre, MB
September 16, 2015
WRLA Kenosee Golf Tournament
Kenosee Lake, SK
To view all upcoming WRLA events please CLICK HERE
Grab a Sharpie and update your Directory & Product Source Guide!
Athabasca Home Hardware Building Centre
5001 - 51st Avenue
Athabasca, AB T9S 1E8
Phone 780-675-2355
Fax: 780-675-3444
Main Contact: Kevin Wagner

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Check it out here!