Welcome to the ToolBox, your portal to WRLA member news and information within the LBM market.
We invite you to learn more about what's going on within your association and the companies whose products and/or services you utilize.
2016 WRLA Buying Show
January 20-22, 2016, Calgary, AB
Exhibitor Contracts and booth invoices will be emailed out by mid-August.
Retail Participants
*Online Registration for Name Badges and Evening Event Tickets will be available in September
High ALERT as there is increased activity in HOTEL SCAMMING for the WRLA Buying Show in Calgary, January 20 - 22, 2016. Please keep your reservation information confidential. Do not provide details of your reservation to anyone who calls you. If in doubt, please email WRLA-housing@icsevents.com
For more information on the 2016 WRLA Buying Show Hotels please visit: http://www.wrla.org/hotels-and-travel

The WRLA is proud to offer seven $1,500 Bursaries and seven $3,000 Scholarships each academic year. To learn more about eligibility and for full program details visit www.wrla.org or contact Krista at kristas@wrla.org
How to Market to the New Generation
Consumer demands are constantly changing, is your business prepared to adapt?
CLICK HERE to watch our latest video, and use the link below to view a variety of videos from our archive!
As of May 1, 2015 legislation came into effect in Manitoba regarding the sale of pesticides. This past April, a webinar hosted by the MB government concerning this new legislation was made available to all retailers in the province. A number of our WRLA members participated.
This new legislation introduces two categories of products: Allowable List and Prescribed Pesticides. The "allowable" products are accessible to the public on open shelves without assistance from a sales associate. The "prescribed" products are available to the public but the retailer must restrict access, train staff to dispense, maintain records, educate the consumer on the appropriate use and provide a brochure to the customer. Commercial grade products including bear spray require dealer licensing through Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development.
All of the retailer requirements, including a list of "allowable products" and a retailer specific FAQ are provided on the MB government website www.manitoba.ca/pesticide-reduction
CLICK HERE to view the full announcement from the WRLA
August 18, 2015
WRLA Memorial Golf Tournament
The Links at Quarry Oaks – Steinbach, MB
August 27-29, 2015
Orgill Fall Market
New Orleans
September 3, 2015
WRLA Calgary Classic
Sundre, AB
September 16, 2015
WRLA Kenosee Golf Tournament
Kenosee Lake, SK
October 21 & 22, 2015
Hardlines Conference
Toronto, ON
To view all upcoming WRLA events please CLICK HERE

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Have you watched the latest episode on our WRLA TV channel? Don't wait to take full advantage of this terrific media channel, one of the many benefits of your WRLA membership!
Check it out here!