Welcome to the ToolBox, your portal to WRLA member news and information within the LBM market.
We invite you to learn more about what's going on within your association and the companies whose products and/or services you utilize.
Register for Name Badges and Events by January 11th, 2016
*All Attendees must be WRLA Members*
Do you have questions abut the upcoming show?
Check out our online FAQ's and Exhibitor Guide

Information on travel, hotels and all our amazing events is available at:
– Take a selfie or group shot and upload it using our hashtag #2016WRLARockTheShow
Capture your favorite booths at the show, or share your memorable moments from one of the convention events! What ever your moment is, share it with us!
Win a $500 Visa Gift Card!
*Either get your name badge clearly in the photo or tweet your name and company so we can find you after the show! Contest eligible to WRLA members only
Paul Lafrance will make an appearance at Regal Ideas booth #205, Friday, January 22.
Paul is the host of HGTV’ s Decked Out, Disaster Decks, and Deck Wars as well as one of the judges on Canada’s Handyman Challenge. You can catch Paul on his new HGTV series, Custom Built, which features innovative interior designs and home makeovers, done in the Paul Lafrance Style.
Jim Caruk will make an appearance at Owens Corning booth #825 on Thursday, January 21.
Jim was the host of two of HGTV’s most popular shows, Real Reno’s and Builder Boss delivering the goods on what it’s really like to renovate. Jim is a master contractor, editor-in-chief of Renovation Contractor magazine, renovation editor for Reno & Decor magazine, and founder of the Reno’s for Heroes program and Build It Yourself Learning Centres and writes an occasional column for New in Homes & Condos.
The beautiful city of Calgary awaits you!
CLICK HERE to View our Special Video!
The City of Calgary is an exciting business centre and an outstanding meeting and convention destination. As the third-largest city in Canada, Calgary has a lot to offer visitors from around the world.
Thank you to our 2016 WRLA Buying Show Sponsors!
~ Platinum ~
Castle Building Centres
JELD-WEN Windows & Doors
Sexton Group Ltd.
~ Diamond ~
Regal Ideas
~ Gold ~
All Weather Windows
Ply Gem / Mitten par by Ply Gem
Naylor Association Solutions
~ Silver ~
All-Fab Building Components Inc.
Can-Cell Industries Inc.
Harris Rebar
Home Hardware Stores
Steel-Craft Door Products
~ Bronze ~
Alexandria Moulding
Cherry Insurance
Irwin Tools - Newell Rubbermaid
Johns Manville
Morneau Shepell
Nuvo Iron
Target Products
In accordance with By-Law 7.1, Gary Hamilton, President of the WRLA, announces that the Annual General Meeting of the WRLA will be held at noon, on Thursday, January 21, 2016 in the Palomino Room at the BMO Stampede Park located in Calgary, Alberta.
The purpose of this meeting will be:
- Through an election, to fill vacancies on the Board of Directors for a Retail Member representing Saskatchewan, a Retail Member representing Alberta and an Associate Member representing Manitoba.
- To approve the WRLA Audited Financial Statements for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2015
- To appoint the auditor for the WRLA
- To adopt the Minutes of the 2015 Annual General Meeting
- To hear reports from the Chair of the Board, the President, and the Chairs of a number of Standing Committees.
In accordance to section 9.4 of our By-Laws, the Nominating Committee is presenting:
- Wendell Gillert from Allied Lumberland in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan;
- Joel Seibert from Mountain View Building Materials in Calgary;
- Andrew Reimer from All-Fab Building Components in Winnipeg, Manitoba
As the nominees to fill Board of Directors vacancies as a Retail member in Saskatchewan, a Retail member in Alberta and an Associate Member in Manitoba respectively.
The nominees’ profiles are included in this notice.
If you have any questions regarding the Annual General Meeting, the agenda or the nominees please don't hesitate to contact Gary Hamilton, WRLA President at ghamilton@wrla.org or direct at 204-953-1691
For a PDF of this announcement please CLICK HERE
2016 WRLA Buying Show
Calgary, AB
Host Hotel: Hyatt Regency
January 24-30, 2016
Timber Mart National Conference
February 19 & 20, 2016
Timbr Mart National Buying Show
Palais des congrès in Montréal
March 2 & 3, 2016
62nd Annual Atlantic Building Materials Show
Moncton Coliseum, Moncton, NB
To view all upcoming WRLA events please CLICK HERE
Construction Supply Ltd.
838 B 16th St. SE
Medicine Hat, AB T1A 0B5
Phone: 403-526-6027
Fax: 403-526-4986
Main Contact: Fabian Gale
Glenboro Building Centre
Box 426
120 Broadway Street
Glenboro, MB R0K 0X0
Phone: 204-827-2334
Fax: 204-827-2336
Main Contact: Trent Thornborough
Ken's Roofing Supplies Ltd.
3333 Tennyson Ave.
Victoria, BC V8Z 3P5
Phone: 250-475-1118
Fax: 250-475-1138
Main Contact: Ken Webb
Kindersley Castle Building Centre
Box 2295
304 12th Avenue E
Kindersley, SK S0L 1S0
Phone: 306-463-0066
Fax: 306-463-0067
Main Contact: Melody Fries
Roofmart Alberta Inc.
7127 Fairmont Drive SE
Calgary, AB T2H 0X6
Phone: 403-253-7553
Fax: 403-253-5389
Main Contact: Trevor Armstrong
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