Welcome to the ToolBox, your portal to WRLA member news and information within the LBM market.
We invite you to learn more about what's going on within your association and the companies whose products and/or services you utilize.
You're renewal is in the Mail!
You can expect another great year with your WRLA Membership;
you'll receive your Member Directory & Product Source guide along with many more tools to enhance your business! Watch our new Member Benefits video below to learn more about this year's renewal.
Check out all the Amazing Benefits you'll get when you Renew!
For a no-obligation quote and to automatically earn $10 towards this fund
call 1-800-387-1963 today!
WRLA Scholarship Fundraiser Ends March 31st – Act Today!!
Each member that calls for an insurance quote under the WRLA Group Home and Auto program with The Co-operators by March 31, 2016, $10 per quote automatically goes towards our WRLA Bursary and Scholarship Awards Fund!
Group Home & Auto Program Available To Your Employees Too!
As a WRLA member, you can also provide the Group Home and Auto program to your employees too. All you have to do is contact the WRLA office at 204-957-1077 (1-800-661-0253) or e-mail wrla@wrla.org . You’ll then receive information that you can share with your employees.
WRLA Manual Estimating Level 1 and Level 2
Winnipeg, MB | April 25 - 28
*Rebates available:
$100 rebate each person each course after course completion and application.
Up to $500 per person travel and hotel rebate upon application.
Thank you for participating in the 2016 WRLA Buying Show,
one of the best shows in Canada.!
For more details on the 2016 Show & Events check out the Post Show Report
To download the 2017 WRLA Buying Show Exhibitor Booth Renewal/Reservation Contract Form
And Congrats to the lucky recipients of a $150 VISA Gift Card!
Jack Maendel
of EcoPoxy & iRecycle Inc. in Morris, Manitoba
Peter Keller
of Delta CO-Op Assocaitions Ltd. in Unity, Saskatchewan
We appreciate all the comments we received from these fellas and the other 604 members that participated in our post show survey. The WRLA team and buying show committee will use this information to continue to improve the trade show and convention, along with all our member benefits.
Mark your calendars for the 2017 WRLA Buying Show in Calgary!
Wednesday January 18 - 20, 2017
Two Day Buying Show | Evening Events & More...
Enhance your Company presence among the Building Supply Industry:
Become a 2016/17 WRLA Bursary & Scholarship Sponsor!
The WRLA awards over $30,000 annually to students from across Canada. This program is one of our major member benefits and reaches over 1,200 member companies each year. We're currently seeking 2016/17 sponsors, and there are different levels of sponsorship available.
Learn more about the program by contacting the WRLA or visiting our website.
Contact Krista at kristas@wrla.org or toll free at 1-800-661-0253 ext. 4
Visit: www.wrla.org/education-a-training/bursaries-and-scholarships
We have always had a COMMUNITY first mentality and feel an obligation both in serving our customers at Jeni's as well as, socially supporting the community events and charities. How do we continue to do our best? The Co-op has expertise in growth and development in community. The Co-op, in Manitoba communities is deeply rooted and committed. What will happen to the staff at Jeni’s? The Co-op is happy to have them! The Co-op offers fantastic opportunity for the Jeni's staff who want to remain and grow within this industry.
To my staff, I am SO VERY PROUD of all of you, and to our customers and suppliers, we are SO THANKFUL for your support in making Jeni's Food and Hardware OUR store. As for me, in case you were wondering, I will remain working here in our new Co-op!
This purchase was not about selling. We were never for sale, we did not get an offer we couldn't pass up. I feel strongly that this is a strategically excellent move for our LaSalle general store. It will be a great opportunity for staff, great for the community and great for the Co-op. A total Win Win Win. I THANK-YOU hugely for your support and look forward to working through this transition with all of you to become something new, something even greater!
Thank you,
Tom Bell
Jeni’s Food and Hardware
Phone 2044799386
Email jenis@mymts.net
April 3 - 4, 2016
FCL Buymart
Saskatoon, SK
April 15, 2016
CRSBC (Canadian Retail Building Supply Council) Meeting
Toronto, ON
April 16 - 19, 2016
TruServ Market
Winnipeg, MB
April 16 - 18, 2016
Home Hardware Dealer Market
St. Jacobs, ON
April 25 - 28, 2016
WRLA Level 1 & 2 – Manual Estimating
Winnipeg, MB
May 4 - 6, 2016
National Hardware Show
Las Vegas, NV
June 1, 2016
WRLA Summer Board Meeting
Saskatoon, SK
Ramada Hotel
August 16, 2016
WRLA Memorial Golf Tournament
The Links at Quarry Oaks
Steinbach, MB
August 25 - 27, 2016
Orgill Market
Las Vegas, NV
September 1, 2016
11th Annual Calgary Classic Golf Tournament Sundre, AB
September 14, 2016
Kenosee Golf Tournament
Kenosee, SK
Sept 17 - 20, 2016
Home Hardware Dealer Market
St. Jacobs, ON
October 1 -3, 2016
TruServ Market
Winnipeg, MB
October 5, 2016
WRLA Fall Board Meeting
Winnipeg, MB
WRLA Office
October 16 & 17, 2016
FCL Market
Saskatoon, SK
October 18 & 19, 2016
Hardlines Conference,
Niagara Falls, ON
October 24 - 27,2016
WRLA Manual Estimating
Red Deer, AB
More Info - CLICK HERE
October 28, 2016
WRLA Principles of Yard Operations
Red Deer, AB
More Info - CLICK HERE
November 14 -17, 2016
WRLA Manual Estimating
Winnipeg, MB
More Info - CLICK HERE
RONA Home Centre – OPENING APRIL 13, 2016
769 Thatcher Drive East
Moose Jaw, SK S6J 1L8
Main Contact: Bernie Plosker
(RETAILER) RONA (Corporate)
 Have you watched the latest episode from WRLA Videos? Don't wait to take full advantage of this terrific media channel, one of the many benefits of your WRLA membership!
Stay up-to-date on the latest industry news and events with our engaging new communication channel.