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Registration NOW OPEN for the WRLA Memorial Golf Tournament!
Tuesday August 16, 2016 | The Links at Quarry Oaks | Steinbach, MB
10:00 a.m. SHOT-GUN START
To read more about the tournament and to Register yourself,
your foursome or to sponsor a hole:
**$175 per player includes golf, cart, lunch and dinner!
Want to Donate or Sponsor?
CLICK HERE to open the tournament sponsorship form.
Don't forget to reserve your booth space for January 2017!
2017 WRLA Buying Show Exhibitor Booth Renewal/Reservation Contract Form:
WRLA wants you to enjoy all the benefits that come with Superpass!
Convenience, Control, Security & Customized Reporting.
CLICK HERE for the more information and to Apply today!
January 1st Sexton Group launched its new state of the art IT System. Accounting Manager Krista Venn indicated "This is the culmination of three years of development and preparation. While change of this magnitude is challenging we are happy with the launch. The combination of SAP and LBMX technologies have created an IT platform that will serve our Members well for years to come."
The first quarter of 2016 saw 10 new Members join Sexton Group, with a number lined up to join in the coming months. President Steve Buckle stated "We are pleased that Building Supply Dealers continue to see value in joining Sexton Group. We are particularly enthused by the addition of 4 dealers in Eastern Canada where we are working hard to build our Membership base."
In early spring, the Sexton Group invited over 350 of our vendor representatives in Moncton, New Brunswick and Toronto, Ontario to learn more about the Sexton Group and its Eastern Canada based Members. "Local Sales representation is very important to our Membership and we want to encourage Suppliers to visit our Members and build the business together. We are keeping in touch with these representatives through e-mail and social media." said Joe Collerone Director of Marketing.
The Vendor Sales Representative Meeting made it clear that Sexton Group is ambitious for continued growth with its Members and Suppliers. This is best achieved when our Suppliers and Members are well connected at the local level. The Group sees fostering this connection as one its key responsibilities.
The new Cambridge location is located at Unit 9 - 540 Jamieson Parkway, with easy access to and from the 401. Cloverdale Paint transferred store manager Stephanie Guitard from Surrey, BC and enlisted additional local employees with strong paint and coatings experience. "Cloverdale Paint is proud of the company's family and home grown roots. Every employee is a stakeholder and participant in company profits. This means that our employees, on every level, are invested in providing their very best to exceed the expectations of the customers we serve," said Mr. McKenna
Situated in the heart of south western Ontario's manufacturing region, the new Cloverdale Paint, Cambridge store location is well positioned to provide products and services to industrial, protective coatings users and professional painting contractors providing a retailing outlet for the company's plant and distribution facility in Mississauga.
About Cloverdale Paint Inc.
Cloverdale Paint directly, and through subsidiary companies in Calgary, Alberta (Fargo Paint Inc.) and Portland, Oregon (Rodda Paint Company), operates manufacturing plants in Surrey, Calgary, Winnipeg, Mississauga and Portland. Distribution of architectural and industrial coatings and related products is through 70 corporate branches and over 100 Independent Dealers throughout Western Canada and the Pacific Northwest of the United States.
SOURCE Cloverdale Paint Inc.
For further information:
Martin McKenna, Vice President of Sales & Group Marketing, Cloverdale Paint Inc., (604) 596.6261
WRLA Memorial Golf Tournament
The Links at Quarry Oaks
Steinbach, MB
August 25 - 27, 2016
Orgill Market
Las Vegas, NV
September 1, 2016
11th Annual Calgary Classic Golf Tournament Sundre, AB
September 14, 2016
Kenosee Golf Tournament
Kenosee, SK
Sept 17 - 20, 2016
Home Hardware Dealer Market
St. Jacobs, ON
October 1 -3, 2016
Ace Canada Market
Winnipeg, MB
October 5, 2016
WRLA Fall Board Meeting
Winnipeg, MB
WRLA Office
October 16 & 17, 2016
FCL Market
Saskatoon, SK
October 18 & 19, 2016
Hardlines Conference,
Niagara Falls, ON
October 24 - 27,2016
WRLA Manual Estimating
Red Deer, AB
October 28, 2016
Principles of Yard and Warehouse Operations
Red Deer, AB
November 14 -17, 2016
WRLA Manual Estimating
Winnipeg, MB
November 18, 2016
Principles of Yard and Warehouse Operations
Winnipeg, MB
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