Western Retail Lumber Association

Milwaukee Electric Tool (Canada) Ltd
What's New
We are hosting our Memorial Golf Tournament during the day, and we encourage those who aren't golfing to join us for dinner and networking at the St. Boniface Golf Club with other Industry Professionals! You can contact Krista by email at KristaS@wrla.org or by phone at 204-953-1693 to reserve your seat for dinner. It's only $50!

We're still looking to confirm a Dinner Sponsor! We also have a few hole sponsorship opportunities available, we'd love to have you, so please contact us today! Donations and prizes are happily accepted.

Visit http://www.wrla.org/events/memorial_golf_tournament/ to view the full article online.

Important Announcement: Exhibitor Renewal & Sponsor packages have been emailed! If you are a past exhibitor, and have not yet received your renewal package, please email Krista Scherpenzeel at KristaS@wrla.org

Calgary is eager to welcome the 2018 WRLA Buying Show & Convention this January! Our two day Buying Show will boast over 250 exhibitors with nearly 3,000 industry professionals under one roof! The networking will continue off the show floor at WRLA's Opening Night Reception and Closing Night Concert - this year we hope you're ready for a true "Back to The Future" ride full of industry traditions and trends!

Check out the Show schedule, Exhibitor information and hotel details today!

Visit http://www.wrla.org/buying_show/schedule/ to view the full article online.

We've teamed up with WestJet for the 2018 WRLA Buying Show in Calgary! WestJet is offering a 10% discount off Econo and 15% discount off Plus base fares* for travel between Calgary and anywhere WestJet flies. To take advantage of this offer, simply click "Learn More..." below.

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/wrl/articles/index-v7.asp?aid=454063&issueID=49701 to view the full article online.

The WRLA is proud to announce that we have secured discounted rates and concessions for our Members attending the 2018 WRLA Buying Show & Convention in Calgary, AB. All Calgary hotels have a choice to partner with us, and it is important to know who chooses to support your association and you as a member. We ask that you support your association by only booking rooms and meeting space with partnering properties.

Visit http://www.naylornetwork.com/wrl/pdf/Letter_to_Member_-_2018_Hotels.pdf to view the full article online.

The WRLA Industry Achievement Award is celebrating its 47th Anniversary this year! This award recognizes members of the WRLA who have contributed to their business, the building supply industry, the WRLA, and the communities in which they live. Visit our website today to view past recipients and to download the Nomination Form.

Visit http://www.wrla.org/membership/industry_achievement_awards/ to view the full article online.

Home Hardware Stores Ltd
Castle Building Centres
Member Updates and Industry News
U2 fasteners 
Head Office:
870 Tungsten Street
Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6J3  Canada
Phone:  (807) 345-3119
Toll Free:  (855) 895-7096
Fax:  (807) 623-6224 
Primary Contact:  Hedi Beale 

Ace Canada (RONA)
Sexton Group Ltd.
WRLA Videos
The CRBSC recognized the opportunity to transform our highly successful Estimating Fundamentals workshop to an online format to address a number of issues: the cost of travel from remote locations, valuable time spent away from the store, and offering a learning experience for those staff already engaged with virtual technology.

Visit http://videos.wrla.org/estimating-fundamentals-ecourse-a-new-online-learning-opportunity to view the full article online.

Calendar of Events
WRLA Events Calendar:

August 23, 2017 
WRLA Memorial Golf Tournament
St. Boniface Golf Club
Winnipeg, MB
August 24 - 26, 2017
Orgill Fall Market
Boston, MA
September 7, 2017
11th Annual Calgary Classic Golf Tournament
Sundre Golf Club
Sundre, AB
September 13, 2017
2017 WRLA Kenosee Golf Tournament
Golf Kenosee
Moose Mountain Provincial Park, SK
October 23 – 27, 2017
Manual Estimating Level 1, Level 2, and Principles of Yard and Warehouse Operations
Calgary, AB 

November 6 – 10, 2017 
Manual Estimating Level 1, Level 2, and Principles of Yard and Warehouse Operations
Winnipeg, MB 
January 17 – 19, 2018
WRLA Buying Show & Convention
Opening Night - Hyatt Regency | Jan. 17, 2018 
Buying Show - BMO Centre | Jan. 18 & 19, 2018 
Closing Night - Hyatt Regency | Jan. 19, 2018 
Plus much more!
Member Benefits
We award up to seven $1,500 Bursaries each year! The deadline to submit your complete application to the WRLA office is next week! Those applicants who are not selected to receive a 2017 Bursary Award will automatically have their applications submitted to the 2017/2018 Scholarship Program. Please submit your application by mail, email or fax. This is a major WRLA Member Benefit and we encourage all members to take advantage!

You can visit www.wrla.org/training/scholarships_bursaries to learn more and download the application form.

Visit http://www.wrla.org/training/scholarships_bursaries/ to view the full article online.

Industry News
Until August 31, 2017 take 25% off online training. Cervus Equipment offers online, in-class and on-site courses for forklifts, skid-steers, telehandlers and more. See our August 2017 training schedule and book your spot to save!

Visit http://construction.cervusequipment.com/training/ to view the full article online.

The three-year partnership will yield national exposure both online and in-stadium for TIMBER MART members across multiple sports media outlets and CFL broadcast at post-season games, including the Grey Cup championship game.

"We are excited to be officially partnered with the CFL and look forward to a mutually beneficial partnership for years to come." says Jon Irwin, TIMBER MART vice-president of member services.

Visit http://www.naylornetwork.com/wrl/pdf/TIMBER_MART_Builds_New_Alliance_with_Canadian_Football_League_-_July_24,_2017.pdf to view the full article online.

Boucherville, Quebec, July 27, 2017 – Lowe’s Canada announced today that the L’entrepôt RONA located at 3400 Portland Boulevard in Sherbrooke will be converted to the Réno-Dépôt banner. The store will undergo a major renovation and remerchandising project and consequently become the 22nd Réno-Dépôt store in Canada.

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/wrl/articles/index-v7.asp?aid=454411&issueID=49701 to view the full article online.

Boucherville, QC – July 24, 2017 –Lowe’s Canada announced today that the RONA Home and Garden stores
located respectively at 90 Crowfoot Way NW, Calgary, and 730 Ottawa Street South, Kitchener, will convert to the Lowe’s banner. Both locations will undergo an extensive renovation and re-merchandising of the existing store which is expected to be completed at the end of 2017.

Visit http://www.naylornetwork.com/wrl/pdf/Press_release_-_Lowes_converts.pdf to view the full article online.

MILWAUKEE, WI- Milwaukee Tool continues to rapidly develop its Hand Tool offering with the next generation of screwdrivers, including an 11-in-1 Multi-Bit Driver with ECX and Demolition Screwdriver Set. The updated line has an ergonomic, trilobe handle design that’s optimized for high-torque applications and hardened magnetic tips to deliver maximum durability and fastener retention.

Visit http://www.naylornetwork.com/wrl/pdf/Milwaukee_Tool_Announces_Next_Generation_Line_of_Screwdrivers.pdf to view the full article online.

Local investment of nearly $10 million; Creation of 50 new jobs; Retail area of nearly 65,000 sq. ft., including a garden centre of more than 7,500 sq. ft.

Boucherville, Quebec, August 3, 2017 – Lowe’s Canada announced today the official opening of a new RONA store in Carignan, Quebec. Located at 2395 Chambly Road, this is the 9th RONA store to open in Canada since the beginning of 2017, consolidating the expansion of the RONA brand in Canada. This new store, resulting from a total investment of close to $10 million, has enabled the creation of 50 new jobs in the Montérégie community.

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/wrl/articles/index-v7.asp?aid=455028&issueID=49701 to view the full article online.

Western Retail Lumber Association Inc.
1004 - 213 Notre Dame Ave., Winnipeg, MB R3B 1N3

If your company has news that you would like to see in WRLA News, please email your news releases to wrla@wrla.org
© 2025 Western Retail Lumber Association. All rights reserved.

To change your contact information email wrla@wrla.org