Western Retail Lumber Association

What's New

Click on this survey link to complete the 2018 WRLA Wage, Salary, and Business Conditions Survey.
There are two very important reasons why we request your participation:

1. To provide our members with the latest industry wages, salary, and business conditions.

2. The more people who participate, the better the information will be - both in terms of quantity and quality.
That means the results will help you better understand the current market trends with more reliable data.

The information we request in the survey not only benefits those who participate, but also provides useful information to the WRLA in meeting the needs of our members. 
Thank you, we sincerely appreciate your time.  
Results will be compiled into a report and shared with current members of the WRLA. Ensure you are on the mailing list by renewing your membership.

We are delighted to announce that Jessica Cranmer will be joining the WRLA team in May as the Trade Show and Events Manager. Jessica will be working towards developing and improving the Buying Show, and many other member events.

With more that fifteen years of experience in event management and community relations, Jessica is excited to join the WRLA team.

Jessica has served as an event specialist at some of the top charities in Manitoba, such as Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba, Heart and Stroke Foundation, Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre, Manitoba Opera and most recently the Victoria General Hospital Foundation. She brings with her extensive event expertise in building creative and profitable events from the ground up using her skills in event planning, stakeholder management, logistical coordination and strategic alignment. She strives to ensure all events engage, entertain and inform their audience while meeting organizational strategic and business goals.
In her spare time Jessica serves as the Assistant Race Director, Financial Officer and Logistics Coordinator for the annual WFPS Run, the second largest half marathon event in Manitoba, entering its seventh sell-out year. In addition, she serves as a volunteer Board Member for SISTARS (Sisters Initiating Steps Towards a Renewed Society) which serves the area of Point Douglas Manitoba through the management and preservation of the historic Red River style home, Barber House and the management of Eagle Wing Child Care Centre.
She is currently working towards her Applied Project Management Certificate through the University of Winnipeg’s Professional, Applied and Continuing Education (PACE) program with expected completion in 2019.  
When she’s not volunteering, working or catching up on school work Jessica loves to travel, enjoys running and walking her (very) large dog, Cosmo.
Who should attend?
Sales and estimating staff
Counter sales personnel
Management staff who are novice estimators (Level 1) to more seasoned estimators (Level 2)

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/wrl/articles/index-v7.asp?aid=498980&issueID=58087 to view the full article online.

Check your inboxes for your invoice. To ensure your business is listed in the WRLA Directory, please pay your membership dues by May 31, 2018. 
WRLA membership benefits include access to the latest industry news, networking, special events, the Yardstick, the Toolbox, and the Buying Show. 
As WRLA members you receive many exclusive deals along with cost-savings on events, products, and services. Stay connected with your industry and continue to build your business relationships by renewing your membership.
Thank you to our members who have already renewed and paid for membership - your support is the heart of the WRLA. 
If you have a suggestion for a product or service to add to our Member Benefits Program or have any questions pertaining to membership, please contact Wynne Au at WynneA@wrla.org or 1-800-661-0253 extension 0.
Powering the future of material handling
Wajax Equipment
Together with Hyster material handling products, Wajax provides sales, rental and product support for a broad range of lift trucks, container handlers and large material handling vehicles. From traditional power to clean, non-combustive, non-emissive and sustainable technology such as Hyster’s hydrogen powered Nuvera fuel cells, we provide the lift you need with the power options you prefer.
To Learn More
Home Hardware Stores Ltd
Castle Building Centres
Member Updates and Industry News
In 1843, Frederick Stanley started a small shop in New Britain, Connecticut, to manufacture bolts, hinges and other hardware. In 1910, Duncan Black and Alonzo Decker started their shop in Baltimore, Maryland, dedicated to manufacturing the world’s first portable power tool.

Today, Stanley Black & Decker is a leading diversified industrial, driven by a commitment to serve the builders, makers and protectors of the world.

175 years of innovating, creating, and transforming are outlined on their website

Congratulations to Ken's Lumber for winning the Gold Service Award from the Saskatchewan New Home Warranty - for the ninth year in a row. Well done to the team at Ken's Lumber!

 Visit their website to learn more about Ken's Lumber and their services.

Founded in 1968, TASK TOOLS is a Canadian company that's very good at these four things:

Developing high-performing, quality tools
Giving great customer service
Collecting awards for outstanding, environmentally-sustainable packaging and effective merchandising designs
Backing products up with the industry’s best warranty 

Visit the Task website to learn more.

Ace Canada (RONA)
Sexton Group Ltd.
Calendar of Events
April Membership renewals all month
April 23 & 24: Winnipeg, Manual Estimating Level 1 Decks and Garages
April 25 & 26 Winnipeg, Manual Estimating Level 2 Residential Construction
April 27: Winnipeg, Principles of Yard and Warehouse Operations  
April 30 & May 1: Red Deer, Manual Estimating Level 1 Decks and Garages
May 2 & 3: Red Deer, Manual Estimating Level 2 Residential Construction
May 4: Red Deer, Principles of Yard and Warehouse Operations 
May 31: Deadline for membership payments to be included in the 2018/2019 Member Directory
May 31: Deadline to complete the 2018 Wage, Salary, and Business Conditions Survey 
August 22, 2018 - WRLA Memorial Golf Tournament, Winnipeg
September 6, 2018 - Calgary Classic Golf Tournament 
September 12, 2018 - WRLA Kenosee Golf Tournament 
January 16, 17, and 18, 2019 - WRLA Buying Show
January 17, 2019 - Annual General Meeting

Contact Wynne Au to renew your membership or to register for classes at WynneA@wrla.org or phone 1-800-661-0253 extension 0.
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
St. Boniface Golf Club
100 Youville St, Winnipeg

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/wrl/articles/index-v7.asp?aid=498981&issueID=58087 to view the full article online.

Read the latest issue of the Yardstick for your connection to industry news.
Member Benefits
What is BeingWell? It is an online health and wellness portal offered by HUB International STRATA Benefits Consulting. This useful tool helps people be proactive about their own health and total well-being.

To access this portal you must be a WRLA member, or employed by a WRLA member company.

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/wrl/articles/index-v7.asp?aid=498983&issueID=58087 to view the full article online.

Spring has arrived and many WRLA members are looking for candidates to fill various positions within their organizations. The WRLA is pleased to offer our members free online career postings. This service is free to members but the ads can be viewed by anyone who visits the WRLA Careers page - from students to industry experts.

To place a career ad, please send a PDF of your ad and logo to Iris Chrol at irisc@wrla.org.

Visit the WRLA careers page to see all the current listings.

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/wrl/articles/index-v7.asp?aid=498984&issueID=58087 to view the full article online.

Get a $10 Tim Hortons TimCard® just by calling The Co-operators Group for an Auto or Home insurance quote.
WRLA Members and their employees are eligible to receive a FREE $10 TimCard® by calling and asking for a no-obligation quote on home or auto* insurance through the WRLA Group Home and Auto program offered through The Co-operators. WRLA Members and their employees can save up to 40% once all discounts have been calculated. This special offer ends April 30, 2018!

To receive your no obligation quote, please call The Co-operators Group Home and Auto Division at 1-800-387-1963.

The WRLA is always looking for opportunities to improve our Member Benefits Program. We are committed to offering comprehensive programs that provide strong value to our membership. In the coming weeks, check your mailboxes for exceptional insurance protection and group savings up to 40% through The Co-operators Group. 

Click here for more information. 
Industry News

Lowe's Canada has announced the roll-out of its ECO product program in all corporate and participating affiliated RONA, Reno-Depot, and Lowe’s stores across the country. The program aims to help consumers reduce the environmental footprint of their home improvement and construction projects by offering and clearly identifying with the ECO seal over 3,500 products that represent more environmentally-friendly alternatives. 

To kick off the program, a tree will be planted for each ECO product (*except forest products) sold in corporate RONA, Reno-Depot, and Lowe’s stores on Earth Day, Sunday, April 22.  

Read the full news release here

Western Retail Lumber Association Inc.
1004 - 213 Notre Dame Ave., Winnipeg, MB R3B 1N3

If your company has news that you would like to see in WRLA News, please email your news releases to wrla@wrla.org
© 2025 Western Retail Lumber Association. All rights reserved.

To change your contact information email wrla@wrla.org