Sprayfoam Pro Newswire

Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance

Industry News And Announcements
SPFA News and Announcements
On February 13, 2020, SPFA will host the Industry Excellence Awards Luncheon as part of The Sprayfoam Show 2020 Convention & Expo in Pasadena, California. There will be awards in several categories for projects that demonstrate excellence in our industry. A panel of industry experts will adjudicate the selection process through a blind judging process. Judges will not know to whom each of the entries belong, therefore the judging will be solely based on the merit of the project according to awards guidelines.

To be eligible for an award, projects must follow the following criteria:

Nominations can be made by any SPFA member.
Contractor nominees must be SPFA members to be entered into the contest.
The project must have been completed between December 1, 2018 and November 30, 2019.

Visit https://www.sprayfoam.com/foam-news/spfa-15th-annual-industry-excellence-awards-nominations-now-open/3535 to view the full article online.

Accella Polyurethane Systems, LLC
No-Burn, Inc.
SFWW, the global community of spray foam contractors, installers, and suppliers, announces the release of an exclusive series of sponsorship circles. Sponsors fall under Platinum and Gold status in accordance with their contributions to the group.

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/pdf/SFWW_Sponsorship_Kickoff-Press_Release_FIN.pdf to view the full article online.

Icynene-Lapolla, global supplier and manufacturer of high performance, energy efficient building envelope solutions, launched a new low-pressure, low density, two-component spray polyurethane foam. The new spray foam product is available in two sizes and named OC-450 and OC-1350, with each referring to the maximum amount of board feet the material will cover (450 and 1,350 respectively). Each option provides a compact and convenient size for contractors looking to complete touch ups on the job.

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/pdf/icy3.pdf to view the full article online.

From the Current Issue of SPRAYFOAM PROFESSIONAL Magazine
Accella Polyurethane Systems, LLC
SPFA Membership
>> Welcome New SPFA Members:

- Lucas Granules – Fontana, CA
- RoofTechPro, Ltd. – Canton, OH

Visit to view the full article online.

Foam Supplies, Inc.
SPF Tech
SPFA Courses and Certification

During 2020, the SPFA PCP is continuing the Roadshow making it easier for contractors everywhere to become certified!


For those who are attending the SPFA Convention and Exhibits in Pasadena, CA – here are a few suggestions to help you make the most of your trip!


Prior to coming to Pasadena, take the time to learn the important items in the first level of certification (SPF Assistant). You can either take the SPF Assistant Exam Prep course online or you may self-study, using PCP’s Study Guide.  That will free up your schedule to take the SPF Installer Course (Wed. Feb 12) and the SPF Master Installer Course (Tues, Feb. 11)  During the time you are in Pasadena, you can take the written exams, leaving only the Field Exam for the Master Installer level and we are bringing the Field Exams to you with our Roadshow in 2020. (Calendar of events will be posted in a few weeks.)


If you are already PCP Certified, this may be the time for you to move to the next level of certification.  If so, you can prepare by taking the Exam Prep Course(s) or for the more experienced, you can self-study using our Study Guides!


If you aren’t sure the current status of your credentials within the PCP, simply contact Kelly Marcavage at kmarcavage@sprayfoam.org. She is also available to answer all of your questions and can help plan your strategy to achieve any level of certification whether it is in your office, at a Roadshow Event or during the Sprayfoam 2020 convention.  There are many ways to accomplish your certification goals!

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index-v2.asp?aid=587432&issueID=64085 to view the full article online.

Preferred Solutions Inc.
International Fireproof Technology Inc.
November 18-22, 2019   
Rutledge, GA   Hosted by ProFoam

Exam Prep Courses and Written Exams will be offered.

For more information contact amanda@profoam.com


February 11-14, 2020              
Pasadena, CA  @ Sprayfoam 2020

Exam Prep Courses and Written Exams will be offered.

For more information contact kmarcavage@sprayfoam.org


March 27-29, 2020                            
Greensboro, GA   Hosted by Spray Foam Systems

Field Exams, Written Exams and Exam Prep Courses will be offered.

For more information contact hannah@sprayfoamsys.com


Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/spf-nwl/articles/index-v2.asp?aid=586527&issueID=64085 to view the full article online.

Honeywell Performance Materials and Technologies
Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance
11 Hope Rd, Ste 111 #308 | Stafford, VA 22554